We took "school holidays" to heart this week - we did very little! For most of the week, we stayed home, lazed around, played on the computer and watched TV. In between that, we did some stuff that I can put into "educationalese"..
Current Readaloud: We've read a few Aussie Bites books together this week.
Maths: We watched a few Cyberchase episodes together, and I think he watched some by himself as well. Topics covered - tessalations, volume, reasoning, codes & symmetry.
Science & Technology: As mentioned earlier, we made blood!
He's been doing more work on his websites - here and here.
He put together a couple more circuits with his circuit board.
He also did an experiment to map the taste buds by putting drops of various solutions around his tongue - he tested solutions of salt (salty), sugar (sweet), lemon juice (sour) and coffee (bitter). He mapped where he could taste the various flavours.

HSIE (Human Society and it's environment): He watched a DVD on recycling that he'd picked from the library.
Creative & Practical Arts: He's been busy playing this week - lots of creative play with his toys, making up little scenes and stories. He's also been drawing and desiging.
He put together a bird feeder that he got for his b'day (K - I'll take a photo when he gets around to painting it!)
LOTE (Languages other than English): Nothing.
PDHPE (Personal Development, Health & Physical Education): He's started an exercise program with his dad doing a few stretches and weights. He's made himself up a chart to record it. (Yep, he gets it from me, H!)
Life skills (cooking, gardening, housekeeping): He put himself in charge of cooking dinner on Monday night - he cooked his Dad and himself omelettes, and cooked me scrambled eggs & toast (I don't like omelettes). His kitchen skills and confidence have improved dramatically in the last couple of months!
His cooking repertoire now consists of cups of tea, 2 minutes noodles, toast & omelettes. I was lucky to be able to cook that well when I left home at 20! (And I'm slowly learning not to freak out while he's using the kitchen!)
School shows: None showing due to school holidays.
Other fun stuff: He went to his Ma's place for a sleepover on Thursday night & Friday. From all reports they played lots of games like Go Fish, Snakes & Ladders and Concentration. (Can I just say I love it when someone else plays games with him - I just do not have the patience!!) I took the opportunity to do some Xmas shopping sans child!
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