I've succumbed and set up a weekly routine for our school work - it felt too much like school to me so I'd resisted, but I think we will both benefit from the routine (as long as it's still flexible!). Basically I've allocated a subject to each morning (an hour or so), with the external activities (this term drama & circus class) in the afternoons.
English: He started writing a script for a play - it's an ongoing project! He did the letter 'b' in handwriting. I've also been teaching him how to use the dictionary (a kid's one) to look up words he wants to spell - in an attempt to save my sanity!
I'm an avid reader so I was so pleased to see him pick up a book and sit down and read it to himself this week. Finally I think he's feeling confident enough about his reading that he is enjoying reading a book.
Maths: Leap into Maths Yr 1 workbook - Unit 17.
Science & Technology: He's discovered Publisher and has been busy creating newsletters, business cards etc!
In our Weather unit we made a wind sock, learnt about the points on the compass and how to read one, and checked several times through the day to see which way the wind was coming from.

HSIE (Human Society and it's environment): We discussed the rise of the mammals and the ice-age. I'm having to rethink the way I was doing history - it wasn't holding his interest at all and he was getting very reluctant to do it (declaring 'History is boring' - *gasp* - it wounded my history-loving heart!!). He did enjoy the dinosaur lapbook though. So not so much of the book, and more hands-on from now on - and in impeccable timing 'Walking with Caveman' started tonight on TV so I got Pete to tape it ready for history this week.
Creative & Practical Arts: No lessons last week. There's been lots of imaginative play, finger puppets etc etc though.
PDHPE (Personal Development, Health & Physical Education): It's been too hot to be active!
Life skills (cooking, gardening): I've incorporated this into our routine as well, inspired by Stephanie Alexander's book. No gardening this week, but he made a salad pretty much by himself - washed & tore the lettuce, chopped cucumber etc. I just need to make sure I don't try to incorporate it when I'm short of time!! He also made scrambled eggs under supervision.
Kez - I enjoy reading these summations of your teaching week. Another resource you might find handy - we had it in our local library. A DVD called "The Ballad of Big Al". It follows the life and death and fossilisation of an Allosauras, very much in the vein of Walking with Dinosaurs. I recall making a decision not to borrow it ever again being so sick of watching it over and over. Might be one to look out for.
Also - do you have access to "horrible histories"? They're really good for maintaining interest in my experience.
Lisa x
Will look out for that one Lisa - sounds great! Also the horrible histories - have seen them in the library but haven't checked them out.
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