After a big day yesterday, we took it easy today - plus it was cold, so curled up on the floor in a blanket watching TV was as good a place as any :)
I woke up about 5:30 to Billy coughing in his sleep and then was only able to doze lightly until he came and snuggled with us about 7:30. He & I got up nearer to 8, snuggled on the lounge and read Green Eggs & Ham together.
I checked emails, made breakfast and then read some blogs. Jenny's post reminded me that it's the 14th so I quickly started logging what I've done.
Billy rang my BIL to wish him a happy birthday and chatted a while (thank goodness for local call rates, I'd never be able to pay the bill the way Billy likes the phone!). I loaded the washing machine with towels to soak for a while.
There wasn't much I could do inside because DH was having a sleep-in, so I wandered outside to check the garden and ended up doing a couple of hours weeding! I planted chamomile, and 2 lots of thyme where I'd weeded, from the herbs I bought the other day. I'm hoping to gradually plant enough groundcover under the hedges to keep the weeds at bay. Billy came outside for a while, alternated helping me & playing (mainly playing!), chattered all of the time, showed me his dancing, then he went back inside, and popped back out every now and then - to bring me a drink & apple for morning tea (sometimes he's so sweet!) and to tell jokes ("Why did the rubber chicken cross the road? Because he wanted to stretch his legs!").
I finshed weeding about 11:30 and came inside. Ate the apple that had been given to me "with love" and moderated some Freecycle messages. I started the washing machine going to finish the load that was soaking.
DH finally emerged from his sleep-in and started packing ready to go down to watch the Swans play (AFL). Helped him get organised and hung the towels out. He left - I *finally* got to have a shower, clean my teeth and make the beds!!
We had a late lunch of toasted sandwiches. I did another load of washing and hung it up inside because it was looking quite drab and overcast.
While I was eating my lunch, I was looking at the hydrangeas that need pruning, so afterwards I went outside to do that. I pruned a couple of them but it was too cold to stay out there - they were in the deep shade. I potted some cuttings - I'm very new to taking cuttings, so it's a case of trial and error. Nothing ventured, nothing gained though, as they say!
So I cozied up in a blanket and read my book for a while, then did some work on the computer - answered work emails, made a few quick site changes for clients. Billy was watching TV and doing drawings on his computer.
I went back outside and got the washing off the line - brrr! - quickly came back inside and snuggled under the blanket again :) I caught up on some forums and answered some more work emails.
Just Billy and me for tea, so nice & easy - we just had fettucine with cheese melted on top. I read my book, Billy watched TV curled up in his blanket. We read Green Eggs & Ham yet again!
Bedtime snuggles - another story (Magic Beach by Alison Lester) and a chat. Pete rang from the Swans game to say goodnight to Billy - he's staying at a mate's place tonight so won't be back until the morning.
I updated Billy's reading log (he's doing the
Premier's Reading Challenge) and hopped into the nice warm bed with the laptop to write this. It's 9pm - I *should* be doing some work but I am really struggling to keep my eyes open. I think I'll read for a while and then go to bed.
For more "
Day in my Life" stories check out Jenny's blog.