.. and refuse to think that you need to learn in baby-steps...
3 hours at the ER last night - the diagnosis is a possible slight fracture. They weren't entirely sure, so have put it in a "back-slab" - basically a cast that goes along the bottom of the arm and elbow to keep it from moving. The specialist will take a look at the x-rays, and we have to see our local GP later in the week (much easier said than done!) to find out whether he needs a proper cast or if it's ok..
So our science work yesterday was on x-rays :)
wishing you better, real soon
Oh no! Poor Billy!
Too bad! Hope he's feeling better soon.
Poor Billy. Send him our love. K,Z,M and G xxx
Oops - oh well that's kids, oh an don't take any nonsense about getting into see your GP - take child to surgery to book appointment, have him look pitiful - crying even helps more - can he act really well? Offer him money to look extra pitiful and sick - can sometimes result in getting in real quick (well it has for me anyway)
I hope that he's feeling better soon! If experience is right, it's not a proper childhood until a boy breaks his arm ;)
Thanks everyone for the sympathy!
I have my fingers firmly crossed that all will be ok when we go to the drs on Friday. He seems to be using it today and is back to his normal, active self - he's just frustrated with the cast!
Oh no! I hope it turns out okay. If nothing else, it should make for some cool bragging rights, huh? Poor kid!
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