Last night was *finally* the night lol. He and another boy L, recited their promise and officially joined the group (doubling the numbers of the group - it's a small one lol). L's mum & I got to present them with their scarf & woggle.

I went through the Guide movement from Brownies through to Ranger Guides - so from about 8 to 18 years old. Mum was the Guide leader for (far too many) years, so it was a major part of our life. Camping, preparing activities for the meetings, participating in events. It gave me so many experiences and memories, and even though Guides and Scouts have changed a lot in the time since, I still think it's a worthwhile organisation to belong to.
Now I just have to stop myself getting sucked into becoming a leader :) (I've already gone to a committee meeting - but I didn't volunteer for anything!)
I bet you will be a leader within 6 months :-)
I also did the whole brownies and guides thing. I loved it!
Congratulations to Billy.
Now you know you want to :-).
So glad Billy is loving it so much.
Our warmest Congrats to Billy :)
Oh how awsome! My son did joeys and I am a guide leader (yeah I got talked into it!'s only two hours a week..not).
Thanks everyone - will pass the congratulations on to Billy.
I know how much work is involved in being a leader so I'm doing everything possible NOT to get sucked in lol.
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