English: Lots of reading plus a couple of hours on Spellodrome.
Last year sometime I downloaded an awesome study unit on Treasure Island from the Little Blue School blog. As I tend to do, I printed it out but hadn't gotten around to using it yet. Since we've just started reading Treasure Island again together (we started reading it earlier this year and got sidetracked!), I figured it was time to finally put it to use :)
So we looked at some vocabulary meanings from Treasure Island, and then for the fun bits, Billy made a pirate flag, and picked his pirate name - Captain Mad-eye Fish-lip Peg-Leg Swashbuckle :)

Maths: As well as a couple of hours spent on the Mathletics site, we looked for the first time at 2 digit addition - mainly without carrying, but we did touch briefly on carrying.
Science & Technology: We made a Benham's disc using an old CD, a ping-pong ball, softdrink bottle lid and the template from the RAFT worksheet. A Benham's disc is a certain black & white pattern, which when spun tricks the eye into seeing colour. It was very cool :)

Billy's Joey mob also did science stuff this week - looking at other optical illusions, and making a paper helicopter.
HSIE (Human Society and it's environment): We started reading the "Wonders of Egypt" book, and also watched a series called Pyramid about the building of the pyramids.
Creative & Practical Arts: The last drama class of the term.
LOTE (Languages other than English): Nothing this week.
PDHPE (Personal Development, Health & Physical Education): Circus class.
Life skills (cooking, gardening, housekeeping): He's been making a few salads on his own to go with dinner this week. It helps if you like very large chucks of carrot in your salad :)