My blogging has been very sporadic lately. Hopefully life will return for what passes as normal around here shortly.
The last few weeks in particular have been very busy. As well as having to finish off a couple of big projects for work, I squeezed in a couple of urgent jobs to do with our local government elections, and lots of little "emergencies" that pop up with clients. Plus this is the 7th week in a row I've worked Tuesday nights - I've been teaching a computer class each week - one more week to go! That's been interesting - Billy finishes drama at after 5pm, we drive back to our town (45 mins), meet Pete along the road and swap Billy over then he goes home, and I go off to work until 8:30.. It throws routine out a bit and I'm glad we usually don't have too much planned for Wednesdays!
Of course we had Billy's party which took a lot of preparation (and recovery lol), plus I've been trying to get everything organised to register him for homeschooling now that he's turned 6. My paperwork is in, now the race is on to get his portfolio up-to-date before the inspector comes for a visit!
Add to that all of the usual stuff we do at home, with school, trying to sell the ute etc etc and blogging has been very low down on my list of things to do! Hopefully that will change in a couple of weeks, so please be patient :)
exhausted just reading.
Remember to look after yourself in that long list of priorities. Easier said than done.
Lisa x
*sits quietly and patiently waiting* LOL
Take a breath in there somewhere Kez! Hopefully things will quieten down for you a little soon
You certainly are busy and that test pattern brought back memories!
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