The party went well - it rained in the morning and for the start of the party, but it stopped just after lunch which meant the kids could go outside - much nicer!
I delegated my niece to take photos for the day so I only have one to share at this stage that I took before it all started. The theme of the party (as set by Billy) was an "Inventor's party" so here's our robot cake - I cooked, shaped and iced it and he decorated it.

As people started arriving, we had paper lunch bags for them to decorate with markers & stickers as their "party bags". Then we had various "inventing" activities set up for the older kids - making lolly creatures (joining together lollies with toothpicks to create creatures), decorating arrowroot biscuits with icing & lolly faces, making a catapult out of skewers, masking tape, rubber bands and a plastic spoon to fire a ping pong ball (this went over particularly well with the older boys - and their dads lol) and make anything they wanted out of the junk box.
Closer to lunch they also got to "make their own pizza" - mountain bread with whatever toppings they wanted on top. That seemed to go down well!
Once again, we had way too much food. Once again, I am swearing not to do finger food as it is too hard to try and heat up enough for everyone and keep it warm. I did better this time though - I preheated the meatballs & marinated chicken and kept it warm in the dreampot & slow cooker.
Overall though, the party went well. Everyone seemed to enjoy it and Billy declared it "the best day of his whole life" :) That makes it all worthwhile!!
I'm still slightly brain dead from tiredness though so not making a lot of sense!!
Hi Kerrie,
My first visit to your blog but I will put you on the Hunterhomeed blog roll. Keep up the good work.
Hehe - well for someone who is brain dead from tiredness you did pretty well, its great to hear that Billy enjoyed his day !
Kez, I'm glad to hear your party went off with a bang, but seriously girl, fifty people in your house all at once is PURE INSANITY!!!!!!!!
Love the party theme. It does sound like a lot of work though - hope you've got time for some r&r now it's over.
Lisa x
hiya, looks like loads of fun for the little ones ...
happy birthday to billy!! from us.
regards, joe, mia and terry
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