This is the main garden bed that was looking quite pitiful not that long ago - with the warmer weather everything has just gone wild! The main things in there are bokchoy, silverbeet, lettuce & a few beetroots. There are still some radish but I think they are so big now that they'll be quite unpalatable. There are also some self-seeded tomatoes in there.
I managed to squeeze a couple of mesclun lettuce seedlings into that bed today. I cleared out two of the styrofoam boxes - the one that had peas in it now has spring onion seedlings and carrot seeds, the one that had broccoli & cauliflower now has bloomsdale spinach.
I also potted up a tomato seedling and planted some more snow peas, planted the rhubarb that arrived in the mail the other day (hopefully it didn't dry out too much), potted up the comfrey and a bay tree cutting that my neighbour gave me.
I *really* need to start a new garden bed though because I also sowed the following seeds:
* capsicum
* eggplant
* chilli
* basil - thai & sweet
* oregano
* mini cauliflowers
* broccoli de cicco
* mini cabbage
* jaune de poitou leeks
* rosemary
* climbing malabar spinach
I have no idea where I'm going to put them all!

but isn't it a nice conundrum?
Lisa x
It's so good to see that things can grow in styrofoam boxes. It gives me hope that when we are in our own place again, even without much of a yard, we might be able to grow our own food.
Looking VERY abundant. Yum.
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