Ah, Sunday - always nice after a busy Saturday. It's also Pete's b'day today.
Even though I could sleep in, my internal alarm woke me at 6am - I tried to go back to sleep but ended up lying there thinking and planning. I got up at 7:15 when Billy came in "whispering" something about making a card - thought I'd best get up and see what he was doing..
I supervised the card making, read some email and then wrapped Pete's present once he woke up (the present was in the bedroom).
We had present opening and then a lazy breakfast (toast).
General morning stuff - washed the dishes, had a shower, made beds, put a load of washing on...
Each couple of months, Billy makes a poster of things we've done in that time period. He likes to look back and see what he's done, and it helps to reinforce anything that he's learnt. So I printed the photos out for Billy's poster and organised him starting that.
Put the load of washing in the dryer because a storm blew up while it was washing.
While Pete & I caught up on some shows we'd taped to watch, I worked on Billy's portfolio for homeschool registration (our appointment with the Board of Studies inspector is on Thursday). In between that was lunch (toasted sandwiches), more washing up, another load of washing, cooking tea and making a birthday cake..
We had tea (baked dinner with pork, potatoes, carrots & - from our garden - silverbeet, peas & snow peas) and then celebrated with mud cake (still warm from the oven - mmmm!) & candles.
After tea I quickly caught up on some blogs - I had over 70 unread posts to get through, so don't feel slighted if I didn't leave a comment on yours!
Bed-time for Billy about 8pm and the usual stories & hugs & kisses. We've just met the Oompa-Loompas in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory!
I did the ironing and we started planning our trip away in November.
Went to bed about 10:30.. It was a quiet day, not overly exciting but productive.
For more "
Day in my Life" stories check out Jenny's blog.