Up at 7, made Pete's lunch, saw him off to work.
Checked emails & favourite blogs, did freecycle moderatoring.
Made breakfast (rice bubbles for Billy, porridge for me). Put some yoghurt on to set while I was cooking the porridge.
Billy claimed his tummy was hurting again (he was sick the other night) so spent a while sitting in the toilet with him. Held off having a shower until I could gauge how he was.
9ish Phonecall from a friend inviting us out to the library today - Billy chose that moment to be sick so had to tell her I'd ring back! Another phone call inviting us for lunch - also had to ring back & decline. We're popular today!! Sat watching kid's TV while cuddling Billy.
10:15ish Judged Billy ok enough to leave him while I had a quick shower, make the beds and get meat out for tea.
Typed up a recipe for my blog.
Billy seemed ok. We read about Bastille Day (the abridged kid's version) and talked about it. We watched a couple of video snippets about it on the computer- including a
Lego re-enactment of Bastille day lol.

Helped Billy set up & do some painting. I dried up the dishes from last night and cooked lunch (noodles for Billy and toast for me) while he was finishing the painting.
Had lunch & read my book. Did some work on my section of our home ed newsletter and sent it off to the editor while Billy played some games on the computer.
We took advantage of the rain stopping and a brief bit of sun to get out and take photos in the garden.
I did the washing up (I swear it breeds in our house!), swept the kitchen floor and wiped down the cupboard fronts (well overdue). Tidied up a bit. Remade Billy's bed with his winter sheets - finally dry after their midnight wash on Saturday night. The above was interspersed with "Mummy, come and have a look at this" or "Mummy, can you help me with this".
I set up an ebay auction for some things Pete wants to sell.
5pm Pete home.
Dried the dishes. Cooked sausages for Pete's lunch tomorrow and for Billy's tea. Cooked tea for us (chilli con carne), and watched the news while we ate.
Read some more blogs, wrote a post for mine about the garden.
Finished & uploaded ebay listing.
Did Billy's bedtime routine and got him to bed.
8:30ish Started paid work... It's so hard to get motivated at this time of night but I don't have a lot of choice..
10:30ish Finished work for the night. Updated my blog with this post and now I'm off to bed.
For more "
Day in my Life" stories check out Jenny's blog.