It wasn't without it's dramas though. The way Saturday went, I was wondering if the party was even going to go ahead - everything seemed to go wrong. On Saturday morning I pulled the chicken wings out of the fridge to marinate. I bought them on Thursday afternoon at the deli at Woolies - they went straight into a cool bag with a couple of freezer bricks, it took me about 30 minutes to get home and they went straight in the fridge - I pulled them out Saturday morning and they were off. The smell almost knocked me over - I was not impressed! So a quick trip down to Bilo to buy some more.
The cake I made last week & froze was too dry, so I made another one on Saturday. When I pulled it out of the tin, it split :( So it went from a slab cake to a magic hat cake :) A few other minor things went went wrong as well, like the battery in the lawn-mower being dead when Pete went to use it...
We had to go out to dinner on Saturday night - Pete had his squash presentation and since he'd won his grade, I figured we'd better go! Mum & Dad looked after Billy - and he freaked them out by coming down with a temperature which wasn't coming down with Panadol. We got home about 10:30 as they were starting to panic - I gave him some Nurofen as well to try and get it down. He was wide awake again by that point, and clingy, so I was trying to ice the cake & attend to him at the same time! At midnight I gave up on decorating the cake, and just left it iced. His temp was starting to come down, but was still high, so I got the sleeping bag & doona and curled up on his floor for the night to keep an eye on him. (Not as much of a sacrifice as it sounds - the alternative was sleeping next to a beer-y, snoring husband lol). So needless to say I didn't get a lot of sleep that night - his temp was down to a reasonable level by about 2:30am but I was wide awake at that point with everything I had to do racing through my mind.
Anyway he seemed ok the next morning, a bit whingy but his temp was ok, so we didn't have to cancel.
On to the party... Hot finger food is a LOT of work - not just beforehand, but on the day. We had 3 ovens going (we have a double oven and Mum brought a little portable one down), and spent probably an hour reheating it & cooking the pizza.
The pizza & quiches probably went over the best. I forgot to put sauce out for the meatballs so they were a bit dry, as were the pies, but they were all still nice. The sausage rolls & chicken weren't rejected either. We had heaps left over though - I really over-catered (and we didn't even heat some of it up!), so we'll be eating leftovers all week!! Luckily some of it was still frozen so we can save it for another day.
I'd hired a magician through LETS - she did a good show, the kids loved her, especially the grand finale with a real rabbit which they then got to pat & cuddle! Unfortunately she couldn't make it til 2pm, so it made it a long afternoon for some of the littlies and some had to leave early.
I had some wonderful help from family & friends with putting out the food, and cleaning up - it was so nice to come in to the kitchen and find piles of clean dishes!! Thank you everyone!
A selection of photos..

The infamous finger food..

I don't like to put photos of other people's kids on my blog (for privacy reasons), so have only put a few photos up here. I'll be putting more online later - if anyone wants to see more, email me at kezp99 @, let me know who you are, and I'll share the link.
Overall it was a good day though I think. Billy enjoyed it, so that was the main thing after all!
Now to do it all over again in 3 weeks for Pete's 40th! I'm not sure what we're doing for food - but I know it won't be finger food lol!!
Now to do it all over again in 3 weeks for Pete's 40th! I'm not sure what we're doing for food - but I know it won't be finger food lol!!
Looks like he had a wonderful time. Nice to see a photo of you too. :-)
I am amazed at your finger foods - they look so like the "real" (or probably "fake" would be a better word) thing!
Kids parties can be a lot of work but it's great to look back on the day isn't it. :-) I love planning parties. None of my kids had a party last birthday but I'm looking forward (and already planning) what we're going to do for their next birthdays. The worst thing is I have 1 December and 2 January birthdays so they're all a bit close to Christmas.
A big effort! When I made Lucy a train cake for her second birthday I learned that from the kids' point of view, the cake is only there to hold up the icing!
You have a really beautiful outlook from your house.
Yeah I was amazed at how the finger food came out too! I was pretty proud of it :)
lol Kris - I totally agree about the cake being to hold the icing up! I used to do them at night as a surprise for him on his b'day, but I was under so many instructions on how he wanted this one to look I just gave up and let him do it!
Thanks re the view - I'll take some photos of it one day, it's quite pretty. Especially now there is a bit of water in the paddocks, and some green.
Hi Kez!
Looks like the day was a hit :) and the birthday boy had fun.
the finger food looks sensational as does the cake.
It looks like a great party. The view from your decking looks amazing.
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