English: Copywork on the Stars & Planets. We learnt about the word "tri" - what it means and some of the words that are derived from it. Lots of reading each night.
Maths: MEP lessons, and practising 2 times tables.
Science & Technology: We've started a unit on Australian animals - their habitat, lifecycle, diet, classification etc. We read a couple of books about Koalas, and then he started a Powerpoint presentation summarising what he knew about them.
He's also been busy making animations with free software I downloaded for him. Check out what he created using it, Windows Movie Maker to do the narration and then posted on his blog - he did it all by himself!
HSIE (Human Society and it's environment): My plans to start on our Aboriginal unit went astray after he begged me to learn about Anzac Day. How could I refuse??! So I taught him a little bit about Anzac Day, the Gallipoli landing, Simpson & his donkey, and some of the Anzac Day symbols like the poppy & the slouch hat. We looked for Turkey, Britain, France, Germany & Russia on the globe. Oh, and I almost forgot - of course, we made Anzac biscuits!
Creative & Practical Arts: He went to an Art workshop at the Newcastle Art Gallery, and made a model & collage of a bird. (He's now driving me mad asking me to sew a nest, blankets & a doona for the "bird"!) Apologies for the quality of the photo - it was taken with my phone.

We also went to a performance by Bronwyn Vaughan, a storyteller who told stories from Macedonia, Vietnam and Russia - with the help of her Afghani camel!

LOTE (Languages other than English): Review on the Spanish greetings, and completed a worksheet matching the English & Spanish equivalents.
PDHPE (Personal Development, Health & Physical Education): We went for a 20 min walk together around the oval while waiting to pick Pete up on Sunday. He's also learning to skip rope.
We visited friends through the week and he spent a lot of time running around and jumping on their trampoline. Why is someone else's trampoline so much more fun? - he almost never uses ours!
Life skills (cooking, gardening, housekeeping): He helped me in the garden, and planted some seeds in his own patch. He did the majority of the measuring when we made Anzac biscuits.
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