English: To learn more about St Patrick's Day, he did a comprehension booklet on Ireland and some of it's symbols.
Maths: We started our new Maths syllabus this week, so we went from having an hour or so of Maths once a week to 30 mins of maths every day. We did that Mon - Thurs, then just did some "fun maths" on Friday with the mini tutor tile system.
I started back in Year 1 MEP since there were some new concepts that we hadn't yet covered, and have just been picking out the worksheets I think he needs to do. So far I'm really happy with it - it seems to be a good mixture of mental maths and worksheets. It's more labour intensive for me - both in prep work and "teaching" while he's doing it, but the fact that it's challenging him makes it worthwhile.
I also started off a couple of lessons with some more hands-on stuff - I dealt out 20 random playing cards (A - 10) and then got him to make sets adding up to 10. He also used the "Logi Shape" system where you have to build a picture using the various shapes (logical thinking) - he's better at this than I am!

Science & Technology: Evaporated a salt water solution and made salt crystals - this was just a little detour, we hadn't planned on doing it! In our "push/pull" unit, we made parachutes out of fabric, paper, crepe paper & plastic, attached Lego men and timed how long it took them to reach the ground from off the kitchen table!

HSIE (Human Society and it's environment): Continuing on with our prehistoric man study, we read a book called "The Everyday life of an Ice Age Hunter" by Giovanni Caselli, looked at cave paintings in France and then made our own "cave" paintings.

Creative & Practical Arts: In drama class, they were acting out actions that others gave them - eg knitting, singing etc. We did our "Cave" painting as above. Plus of course, the West African drumming & dancing at the homeschool meeting.
LOTE (Languages other than English): He said last week that he wanted to learn Spanish again (we did a bit sporadically last year), so this week he practised the numbers 1-10 online at Online Free Spanish, and then matched the numbers cards I'd made with the spanish and english names.
PDHPE (Personal Development, Health & Physical Education): Circus class, riding his scooter.
Life skills (cooking, gardening): Making his bed has now been added to his list of chores - I need to reinstate his chore chart as his bedroom has just been gradually sneaking back down-hill :(
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