Sunday, March 01, 2009

Grocery Challenge Wk 3 of 6

The Challenge: To only spend $25 / week on groceries for the next 6 weeks.

The Result (Wk 3):

Shopping weekly makes it really hard to be cost-effective, so I grabbed next week's money as well. So no spending at all next week!

Spent $50.85 - chicken pieces, milk, bread, flour, butter, cream, cheese, eggs, potatoes, apples, tomatoes, lettuce, & donuts (donuts?! How did that sneak into essentials??! lol)


Groceries: $7.70+$50-$50.85=$6.85
"Stash": $100
Meat money: $40


3anklebiters said...

thanks for the nice comments on the crochet. as for your challenge - oh my gosh! when we were first married (17 years ago) our grocery budget was $50 per month. i managed, but not without the garden and some preserving. we spend a bit more now with three kids. keep us updated, this is an interesting challenge.

The Tin House said...

Kez, am in total awe of this challenge. It's very impressive. My first instinct is to say, "I could never do it", and give up having never started.

However, I'm giving it some thought and might just have a go...

Lisa x

Kez said...

I can only do it because I had a full-ish pantry. It's getting harder as the pantry & freezer run down..