I've seen something similar to this on other blogs, and thought it was a good idea - I've just never got around to doing it before!
These are at the top of my reading pile atm - after reading a book from the library called "Camelot's Honour", I'm on a bit of an Arthurian kick(again) :)
Currently on the go are:
- "The Betrayal of Arthur" by Sara Douglass - a non-fiction book examining the Arthur legend and how's it's changed over the years.
- "Wild Designs" by Katie Fforde - it's a light chick-lit for the times I can't handle anything heavier!
- "A Fortunate Life" by A.B.Facey - an Australian autobiography
- "The Last Gospel" by David Gibbins - I picked this out of the display at the library - it looks like a "Da Vinci code" type book
- "Camelot: The once and future king" by TH White, "The Crystal Cave" and "The Hollow Hills" by Mary Stewart - more King Arthur classics.
At the moment I am re-reading the Charlotte Mason "Home Education series". As for fiction... Nothing.
I need to find my rhythm in this new routine!
Ooooh I love the legend of King Arthur and everything related to it. I'll have to keep an eye out for those books.
I had just started reading Into the Wilderness by Sara Donati when my order of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows arrived. So I think I'll stop reading Into The Wilderness and start on HP, I'm desperate to know what happens. No spoilers please. :-)
Ah i vaguely remember those Mary Stewart books, I reckon my Mum has them, I know i was quite young, something else to reread
Ooh, fun idea! I'm afraid my pile is pretty pitiful at the moment. Homeschooling magazines, junk magazines, the community ed schedule of classes for fall, catalogs... nothing of substance! :)
I am knee deep in juvenile fiction, I just finished the Mysterious Benedict Society, The Myseterious Benedict Society and the Perilous Journey and the first four books in The Grimm Sisters series. They are all great stories. I am now reading The Lace Reader by Brunonia Berry, her debut novel.
I had a huge Arthur fetish once (grin). Used to brandish a home made Excalibur at my bro and secretly wish I had Merlin's powers. Currently I'm reading home shelving & organization magazines and trying to get around Cyril Aydon's A Book of Scientific Curiosities.
Oh nice reading list there! I LOVE all things Arthurian... Mists of Avalon, which is a telling from the viewpoints of the women in the tale, is my personal favourite :D Might have to check out the Sarah Douglass one you listed though!
Oooh lots of nice suggestions there!
Kate - what is the Mysterious Benedict Society like? It sounds intriguing!
I loved The Once and Future King!
What a great, varied reading list!
I'm reading a novel called Magical Thinking which is different (weird) to what I expected but has sucked me in (library book). Also The Healthy House Cow, Natural Farming, the fifth book in the Anastasia (Ringing Cedars) series, Otherways, Barefoot, Grass Roots, Earth Garden, Natural Life (yeh, magazines everywhere, blush)...
And cookbooks. Always reading cookbooks at least once a week (menu day)! You can imagine the piles of books at my place now, can't you? :p
Sounds like lots of piles of books Bel :)
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