5:45 - alarm goes off, lay in bed and listen to news, weather and trivia quiz. Get up and organise DH's breakfast and lunch. He leaves for work at 6:30.
Check emails, read blogs, make breakfast. Try to plan our week, but give up because the brain is too foggy! Billy is playing on his computer making cartoons with Toon Creator.
8am. I have a shower, make beds & put a load of washing on. Meanwhile Billy decides to watch Ghostbusters for what seems like the millionth time.
8:40am. I put my headphones in, put some music on (Grease soundtrack) and start doing some paid work. Billy decides to get his marbles out and plays a game with himself. He then moves onto Lego and starts making up an elaborate scenario.
9:40am. Finish work, go and hang the clothes out on the line. Cut B & I up some fruit for morning tea.
10am. Sit down to watch the school shows from today (BTN & Science Clips) and the ones we'd taped yesterday (Telling Tales & Numbers Count), while we have our fruit.
11am. I go out to the kitchen to start tackling the piles of dirty dishes left from us being out the last couple of days (*groan*) while Billy starts building some circuits with his circuit board. He brings it out to show me - once again, he has chosen one with sound - and an annoying sound at that!!!
He stays to hassle me (um I mean have quality time with me) and has a discussion about the blue tongue lizard we have living in our garden. He wants to know what length they will grow so I send him off to look it up on Google. I'm trying to get him to start looking things up himself rather than using my brain all of the time!!
He comes back, sidetracked, to tell me that the Google image is about crop circles and wants to know what crop circles are. I give him a brief explanation and he goes off to watch some of the videos on google about them.
He finishes that, and I get him back on track of looking up what length blue tongue lizards grow to. He tells me he can't find an answer, so I help him look it up. (600mm for those who are interested!)
12pm. Time for lunch! I pack snacks & drinks while I get our lunch ready, then 10 mins reading my book while we have lunch (B watches some TV). We get organised to go out.
1pm. We leave for Newcastle - an hour's drive away. We have a successful chiropractor's appointment, then get money out of the bank and buy fruit & vege. Back in the car and head into the CBD - we go to the Art Gallery first for about 20 mins - the exhibitions atm are an Indigenous art exhibition and a modern art display. I have to admit I'm not keen on the modern art.

Then walk next door to the library, where we spend about 20 mins looking for books on Captain Cook and convicts, and borrow what look to be some good ones.
Drop the books back into the car and walk Billy to his drama class.
4pm. B's drama class. After I drop him at his class and say hi to his teacher, I head off for a walk around the streets. I try a slight variation on my usual route as I'm trying to add some extra time to it. I end up walking a lap around the park (including up and down the steps) to add on another 5 minutes. Then I collapse in the car, have a drink, eat a banana and read my book until his class finishes and I can go and collect him.
5:10pm. Back in the car and heading home. It's peak hour so never a pleasant drive..
6pm. Get home, put the garbages out and unpack the car. Cook and eat a quick tea.
7pm. Pete leaves for squash, Billy watches some TV and I play on the computer. B moves to his computer and watches cleaning hints on the Lush House site - sometimes I wonder about that child :)
8pm. Start giving B the hurry up for bed. Story, cuddles and then finally he's gone about 8:30ish...
9pm. A quick tidy of the kitchen, put this blog post up and now I'm heading off to bed to read for a while. DH usually gets home from squash after I'm asleep so I won't see him again until tomorrow.
I hope you've enjoyed this glimpse into our life - I'd love to see you do one too! (I know you already do Libby!)
OMG, you get up at 5:45 a.m.??? WOW!
But you've definitely inspired me to do a little chronicle of my day in a blog post sometime soon.
Oooh, the original Grease soundtrack? I adore it! Oddly enough, I dreamed about Grease 2last night.
You do so much in a day... I'm a little afraid to post mine!
Hi Kerrie,
Glad to see you're doing A day in My life again. I'm actually doing mine today as I forgot yesterday (and didn't want to do Monday as I did a Monday last month and would have been almost exactly the same :-).
Sounds like a busy, but productive day.
That's a huge day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wendy - no the alarm goes off at 5:45 - I usually crawl out about 6:15 :) And only to see Dh off to work!
Libby & Katy - It was a busy day but a fairly typical Tuesday. I prefer them more relaxed than that though!
Hi! Thanks for the glimpse into your day. It's always neat to see how others do things. I have been simplifying lately and just haven't made time to blog...or keep up with my friends. My days have been so scattered lately I'd be afraid to see it all in writing!
Thanks for giving us a summary of your busy day. I have enjoyed reading this post.
I can't imagine waking up at 5.45am either or 6.15am for that matter. Tried that for a while and promptly went back to my 6.45 to 7am-ish routine LOL :) Thanks for sharing this Kerrie...ok, I have to try to do a DIML post too I know. Will try :)
Dana - it can be a bit scary to see it typed up!!
Out Back - thanks :) Glad you enjoyed reading it - it always feels a bit ego-centric, but I like to look back on them too.
Suji - given a choice I'd prefer to wake about 7am! Looking forward to your DIML post!
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