English: Lots of reading plus a couple of hours on Spellodrome.
Maths: He finished the Year 1 curriculum on Mathletics - he set himself a goal to finish the rest of the "gold bars" today and did it! He was very excited - especially when he realised his name is on the scoreboard as one of the world's top 100 students for the week (based on the number of points they earn each week).
We created a paper pyramid as part of our history studies - so it was a good opportunity for an introduction to angles, working with solid shapes, and how to measure angles with a protractor.
We also played some maths games to work on his addition skills, and he experimented with comparing the volumes that different shaped drinking glasses would hold.
Science & Technology: As blogged earlier in the week, he made a waterwheel for the Think! challenge.
We created a floating compass using a magnetised needle. You can see a video of the creation below...
If the embedded video doesn't play, try this link - http://www.kidstube.com/play.php?vid=13750
HSIE (Human Society and it's environment): We're reading our way through a gorgeous book called "Egyptian diary: The Journal of Nakht" by Richard Platt.

We made a pyramid out of paper, which he decorated with hieroglyphics saying things like "Keep Out" & "mummy" :)

He has also been busy playing the "Become a World Explorer" computer game.
Creative & Practical Arts: Nothing formal - lots of imaginative play.
LOTE (Languages other than English): Nothing this week.
PDHPE (Personal Development, Health & Physical Education): Circus class. Auskick.
Life skills (cooking, gardening, housekeeping): His chore list has been expanded to include unpacking the dishwasher. He can't reach the cupboard where some of the plates go, so he piles them on the bench, but it's a good start.
I've never listed out our school week before but I'm thinking I might do so. It's a nice record of your accomplishments.
BTW, you've inspired me to re-check out the Think blog site. I showed the site to my son (7) and he is really excited about it. I don't know about this weeks challenge though.....
I do it as a nice easy way to do our record-keeping :) I can just print this out and put it in a folder to show our board of studies!
Yes, I'm very reluctant about this week's Think challenge too!
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