"To Kill a Mockingbird" by Harper Lee was the novel I chose to start reawakening my brain with. It's set in 1936 in Alabama and is the story of the attitudes and prejudices of the time told through the eyes of 2 children, Jem & Scout. They are the son & daughter of lawyer Atticus Finch who is representing a negro man charged with the rape of a white woman.
I first read this book in high school - probably around age 16 or 17. We must've studied it in class, because I clearly remember writing profiles on some of the characters. Even though I'd forgotten a lot of the details of the plot, I remember loving the book and have obviously picked it up at a second hand shop somewhere over the years.
20+ years later and I understood so much more of the story. I guess having more life experience I could relate more to some of the characters and knew more background history. It's stood the test of time - I really enjoyed it again.
I've also been watching:
* TED lecture - Hector Ruiz - CEO of AMD
* TED lecture - Carl Honore - talking about his book In Praise of Slow
* The Teaching Company's Big History course - first 2 lectures (of 48). This one is really stretching my brain!