I heard Billy getting up about 7:45 and woke up enough to join him about 8am. Turned computer on, checked emails, made breakfast & some jelly for morning tea, ate breakfast while reading blogs.
9am - realised it was the 14th when I read Jenny's reminder post! Pete pointed out that our server's anti-virus was out-of-date so I ran around confirming that. Decided I couldn't cope with that until I'd had a shower, so went off for that. Made the beds, gathered washing baskets and put the first load of washing on.
Cut out and sewed 3 pirate scarves - 2 for gifts & 1 for Billy. Rang the reseller about the anti-virus, but it was too hard for the weekend staff.. *sigh*
This is my wonderful sewing machine - a hand-me-down from my Mum. I think it's as old as me! Since she got it going properly for me, it hasn't missed a beat. I'm even playing with some of the 'fancy' stitches it does!
10:30 Put the first load of washing out, 2nd load in. Made a kid's apron - in between served Billy jelly for morning tea.
12pm. 2nd load of washing out - rescued the clothes that had blown off the line! Stopped for lunch.
1pm Back into it. 3rd load of clothes out. Made a kid's cape (ie superhero / princess / whatever they want) - it took me over an hour just to make the straps and get them turned in the right way! Next time I'll buy bias binding or something!!
3ish Stopped for a break and read some more of my book. Made Billy a pair of Xmas shorts using the same pattern I used before (it only took me about an hour this time!). Got the clothes off the line. Put chicken in the oven for tea.
5pm. Tidied up my sewing & took some photos of my handiwork! Folded the washing I'd brought in, then made myself a cup of chai tea and sat down to work out the menu plan for the week.
6pm. Finished cooking tea - made Yorkshire Pudding for the first time in ages - MMM! I use the recipe from my Mum's old Commonsense Cookbook, which is in imperial measurements, so I have to also use my grandmother's old measuring jug. I love the way cooking brings the generations together! Ate tea.
7pm. Wrote out & addressed the Xmas cards we want to send. They're ready to post now - one more thing off the list. Started chasing Billy to tidy up and get ready for bed.
8pm. Started putting this post together. Pete is on the phone to his mum, and Billy is waiting his turn on the phone so it will be a late night getting him to bed! Ironed the work clothes while B finished talking and then he & Pete read together. Started planning what I need to do this week. Finally my turn for kiss & cuddles with Billy, and a chapter of Treasure Island.
9pm. Caught up with stuff on the computer, paid some bills, answered emails, read some blogs. Looked for a simple pincushion Billy can make - he wants me to teach him to hand sew tomorrow, so I thought he could make me a pincushion for Xmas :)
9:45pm. I'm about to go and get ready for bed. I hope you've enjoyed this peek at my Sunday!
What a busy and productive day. You must have felt great at the end of it. Those yorkshire puddings look yum. That is one thing I do miss since becoming a vegetarian. Mind you they might just go with a veggie roast and some gravy.... I might give it a try this week.
What a busy and productive day- well done an all of your sewing.
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