While I was in the sewing spirit, I also replaced the too small elastic in a pair of Billy's pj pants, and made him a pair of shorts using Stefani's Bandanna pants tutorial using some cute pirate fabric I picked up at Spotlight. Due to failing to understand a vital part of the instructions in one of the first steps, I made them up, all the time thinking "these just don't look right"... Tried them on him, nope they didn't fit right.. Went back and studied the instructions again, realised what I'd done wrong - and then had to completely dismantle the pants and sew them up again - the *right* way!
In the end they looked pretty good though and I am stoked with myself! That's the first item of clothing I've sewn *all by myself*! B is still wearing them around several hours later, so they can't be too bad!! (Note to self - next time make them a bit longer from top to crotch, these ones sit about the hips)
Oh well done Kez! I've had the bandana pants bookmarked for months to sew my girls for summer but just haven't gotten around to it. Thanks for the nudge, now I have to go and find some bandanas! Where did you get yours?
Hooray for the homemade pirate pants! Lisa x
So good!!! I cannot sew at all!!
Congratulations on your sewing achievement Kerry xx Linda
LOL! I had to laugh at your title. I got very familiar with my seam ripper this past week!
The pants came out great!
Peace and Laughter,
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