It was Tuesday today, and quite frankly, not one of my better days as shown by this morning's post. I'm feeling much better tonight though.
The day started with a bit of a sleep-in - Pete's away for work so no need to wake up to an alarm. I think my "Billy alarm" got up about 6:50am and I followed not long after.
Read some emails & blogs, loaded the dishwasher, had breakfast & showered.
About 9am I rang the dr to make an appointment to get Billy seen - his eyes have been bloodshot & sore for about a week. The closest appointment I could get was Saturday morning - or if I thought it was really urgent I could go and sit in the waiting room about closing time and he'd squeeze me in - eventually... Actually that's pretty good in terms of timing - it's a husband and wife team, Billy & Pete go to Dr Bob and I go to his wife. She only works a couple of days a week, so you usually wait at least 4 weeks for an appt with her!
In typical style, his eyes appear to have been ok today - he only said they were sore when I asked him about them (he's a hypochondriac!), he wasn't rubbing them and they look a lot clearer. I'll take him in for a check-up anyway, it's been a while.
I also made an appointment for him for a dental check-up. I have a dentist phobia so have been putting that one off for - um - 6 years :(
I got the rest of the dishes washed & a load of washing on, and that's pretty much when the fog descended and I collapsed in a heap. It wasn't a pretty morning (hopefully the neighbours won't call DOCS due to the amount of screaming I was doing!). It had been building for about a week for lots of reasons that I won't go into here.
Anyway, trying to keep upbeat, I eventually wrote the to-do list post, and got all bar one thing done before we left. Reading about Lisa's sister in law really put my pity party into perspective.
We left for Newcastle just before 1pm. I was still in a snappy, snarly, 'don't even look at me' mood when we got to the chiropractors. I'm still amazed, but I came out of there in a completely different mood. My chiro has magic hands - obviously he gives attitude adjustments along with the spinal adjustments!! It was literally like the fog lifted from walking in there to walking back out. I could think clearly again and I felt much more positive. Aren't our bodies amazing things?!
After the chiro we ducked into Coles and bought a few things we needed, then headed into the CBD. We only had time for a quick trip to the library and the small art gallery above the library today - we usually do the big art gallery next door as well on a Tuesday.
I walked Billy to drama, and then went back to the car and read a book - in wonderful peace & quiet - while I waited for his lesson to finish.
Home again, home again, jiggety jig... Nice comfort food (chips, eggs & toast soldiers) for tea. Billy watched some tv while I caught up on some emails.
I put him to bed about 8pm with stories & snuggles, and headed off to bed myself with the laptop. I got some paid work finished and sent off to the client for testing, and wrote this post. It's 10:38 now - time for me to finish up and go to bed as well.
For more "Day in my Life" stories check out Jenny's blog.
Kez, I know exactly the sort of day you're talking about!!!!!
My SIL is on the improve, but very sore and sorry as you might imagine. Her concussion has subsided and she's out of ICU and on the ward.
I had an amazing chiropractic experience a few months ago where I felt about 10kg lighter as I walked out the door after the session. Really wonderful relief.
Wishing you a more peaceful day for Wednesday.
Lisa x
Hi Kerrie,
So glad your day got better. We all have them. I was feeling in a bit of a funk myself this morning. Maybe it's the very strange weather we're having. Or maybe your physical body aches were impacting on your mood more than you realized. Anyway, good for you that you got over it and had a nice afternoon.
Hi, Today was the first time I did this day in my life and like you, today was not the day I would have chosen to record, thought I would check around to see how others posted before I typed in "the truth"! Glad the chiropractor helped.
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