“Creativity is just having enough dots to connect… connect experiences and synthesize new things. The reason creative people are able to do that is that they’ve had more experiences or have thought more about their experiences than other people”. Steve Jobs, President, Apple Computers
“You may think that as you get older you gather more experiences. The reality is, most of us repeat the same experiences over and over again. Instead of 20 years of experiences, we’ve had the same one year of experience 20 times.
For children, everything is a new experience. As children we were passionate and creative; our minds filled with limitless possibilities and wonder. Numerous studies have shown that 98% of 5-year old children are highly creative, while only 2% of adults are. How did we go from being creative, passionate, playful children to adults filled with burden, rigidity and stress?
One obstacle is our diminished ability to be creative and to live creatively. A creative mind is a playful mind, one stirred by passion and probability rather than deterred by fear and obligation – a mind that can develop new ideas and bring those ideas to fruition. As children we view the world with fresh eyes. Children are not focused – they are collecting dots. New experiences. It all changes once we start going to school. We are taught to memorize and regurgitate facts; to generate particular outcomes. Peer pressure sets in and we all feel compelled to wear the same brand of sneakers. We stop thinking for ourselves. As we get older, we continue through life planning every step – and eliminate dots. We go to college, we choose a major, and eventually get the best job we can. What do we have left? One dot. We know that dot – our area of expertise – really well but we have nothing else to connect it to. Instead of collecting new experiences, we become focused on one area. We no longer try new things. We continually choose the same path and use the same approaches to living life, neglecting to check whether we are producing the results we really want.”
Stephen Shapiro – Goal Free Living.
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Billy's week 27th March, 2011
It was a good balance this week - quite a social week, but we still achieved lots of learning activities
Addition 1, Subtraction 1 and Subtraction 2 reviews using the Khan Academy (Maths)
Spellodrome (English)
Star Reporter (Club Penguin)
George's Cosmic Treasure Hunt by Lucy & Stephen Hawking
Several short stories (very short in some cases!) (English)
A red cabbage acid / base indicator and testing various substances (Science)
Print-making at art (Creative Arts)
Making and flying kites at cubs
Help with dinner
Jelly slice
Archery, AFL Training
Drama (Creative Arts)
Having friends over to play
A family dinner with his Pop, Great-Aunt, aunts, uncles & cousins (on Pete's side)
Fort Scratchley & the Newcastle Maritime Museum with his aunt and cousin (my side)
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The really cute thing is that I have a photo almost identical to this from 2 years ago - standing on tiptoes to look in - gee he's grown! |
Backyard Science (Science)
Numbers Count, Cyberchase (Maths)
Being Me (PDHPE)
Music Moves (Creative Arts)
My Place (HSIE)
Mythbusters Season 1, Episode 8
Playing with:
Wii Fit & Sports (PDHPE)
Various websites like Club Penguin & Webkinz
I had a night with Tim Minchin
.. we weren't alone though - another 2000+ people and the Sydney Symphony Orchestra were there too!
Pete & I caught the train down to Sydney on Saturday for the weekend. We'd booked a 'mystery deal' hotel in the CBD - which turned out to be the 5 star Radisson Plaza. Very nice...
We relaxed in the hotel room for the afternoon - Pete had a nap to catch up on some of the sleep he's missing due to working ridiculous hours lately, I read my book. Then we headed out to find somewhere for dinner.
Not far from our hotel was the Bavarian Bier Cafe - it was just opening for dinner so we headed in. The meals we had were yummy - wiener schnitzel with sauteed potato, followed by apple strudel (for me) and lemon tart (for Pete).
Then a meander down to the Opera House for the concert. We were a bit early so we went out on the deck to see the view. It was fascinating to see the 'sails' up close..
I knew Libby was going to the concert too, and while we said we'd keep an eye out for each other, I really didn't expect to see her. After all, there were 2000+ people there. So I was quite surprised as we stood waiting for our door to be opened, to look around and spot her and Kevin. Not only were we going in the same door, we were about 6 seats apart in the row in front! Libby has some cool photos of the concert, so check them out. It was incredible. We've seen him perform before but it was so cool with the Sydney Symphony Orchestra backing him.
As usual, he was so funny. Unfortunately he didn't play my all time favourite Tim Minchin song (Canvas Bags):
but his final encore was my second favourite 'White Wine in the Sun'.
He played a good mix of old and new.
It was 11pm by the time it finished - late for me! Luckily we had an 11am checkout this morning, so we could have a sleep-in. Bliss!
We caught the train back to Newcastle - the car was still parked where we left it (yay!) - and headed to my mum and dad's to pick Billy up.
It was only a short break but very appreciated.
Pete & I caught the train down to Sydney on Saturday for the weekend. We'd booked a 'mystery deal' hotel in the CBD - which turned out to be the 5 star Radisson Plaza. Very nice...
We relaxed in the hotel room for the afternoon - Pete had a nap to catch up on some of the sleep he's missing due to working ridiculous hours lately, I read my book. Then we headed out to find somewhere for dinner.
Not far from our hotel was the Bavarian Bier Cafe - it was just opening for dinner so we headed in. The meals we had were yummy - wiener schnitzel with sauteed potato, followed by apple strudel (for me) and lemon tart (for Pete).
Then a meander down to the Opera House for the concert. We were a bit early so we went out on the deck to see the view. It was fascinating to see the 'sails' up close..
I knew Libby was going to the concert too, and while we said we'd keep an eye out for each other, I really didn't expect to see her. After all, there were 2000+ people there. So I was quite surprised as we stood waiting for our door to be opened, to look around and spot her and Kevin. Not only were we going in the same door, we were about 6 seats apart in the row in front! Libby has some cool photos of the concert, so check them out. It was incredible. We've seen him perform before but it was so cool with the Sydney Symphony Orchestra backing him.
As usual, he was so funny. Unfortunately he didn't play my all time favourite Tim Minchin song (Canvas Bags):
but his final encore was my second favourite 'White Wine in the Sun'.
He played a good mix of old and new.
It was 11pm by the time it finished - late for me! Luckily we had an 11am checkout this morning, so we could have a sleep-in. Bliss!
We caught the train back to Newcastle - the car was still parked where we left it (yay!) - and headed to my mum and dad's to pick Billy up.
It was only a short break but very appreciated.
Thursday, March 24, 2011
I love it when we explore rabbit trails. Billy was fascinated by Alcatraz when we visited and even more so when we heard on the TV a few days after we'd visited that they now suspected that one of the escapes was successful. Previously they had assumed that the three men drowned in the June 1962 escape. No bodies were ever recovered though.
Billy purchased a comic book from the Alcatraz shop about that escape - called the Dummy Head Breakout because the men made dummy heads to put in their beds to fool the guards and buy them valuable time. He's read it cover to cover several times.
This led to us discovering that the Clint Eastwood movie 'Escape from Alcatraz' was also about this escape, so I tracked it down and we watched it as a family.
We also found out that the Mythbusters team had tried to replicate the escape in an episode in Season 1, so we've now watched that as well.
I wonder where it will lead next...
Billy purchased a comic book from the Alcatraz shop about that escape - called the Dummy Head Breakout because the men made dummy heads to put in their beds to fool the guards and buy them valuable time. He's read it cover to cover several times.
This led to us discovering that the Clint Eastwood movie 'Escape from Alcatraz' was also about this escape, so I tracked it down and we watched it as a family.
We also found out that the Mythbusters team had tried to replicate the escape in an episode in Season 1, so we've now watched that as well.
I wonder where it will lead next...
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Little Gems short story competition - results
Well, the results are in and unfortunately I wasn't one of the top 16 who were chosen to go in the anthology. Congrats to all those who did though, esp my friends Jenn & Louise.
I was fairly pleased with how I went though. All entries were judged by 3 volunteer judges - I received 100% from 1 judge (who was a published author and contest winner, so stoked about that!), but 'only' received 82% from the other 2 judges, to give me an overall score of 88%. I was in the top half of the 82 entries (no 34).
A couple of the comments have left me a bit bemused, but others have been quite valuable. Its given me a push to start writing again. I haven't written since January - I'm blaming being busy but when I do have time I seem to procrastinate...
Anyway, not bad for my first competition!
I was fairly pleased with how I went though. All entries were judged by 3 volunteer judges - I received 100% from 1 judge (who was a published author and contest winner, so stoked about that!), but 'only' received 82% from the other 2 judges, to give me an overall score of 88%. I was in the top half of the 82 entries (no 34).
A couple of the comments have left me a bit bemused, but others have been quite valuable. Its given me a push to start writing again. I haven't written since January - I'm blaming being busy but when I do have time I seem to procrastinate...
Anyway, not bad for my first competition!
Monday, March 21, 2011
Our house smells like boiled cabbage..
The things we do in the name of homeschooling! When we were doing the grocery shopping last time, Billy wanted to buy a red cabbage to do acid / base testing.
What you need to do:
Then while we had the milk & vinegar out, we added vinegar to a glass of milk to make curds and whey..
Ah, kitchen science - so much fun!
What you need to do:
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First, cut up the cabbage |
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Then boil it for 10-15 minutes |
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Strain into a glass container and cool. This is the indicator. |
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Prepare your test items - Billy had water, lime juice, lemon juice, jelly crystals, apple juice, brown vinegar, white vinegar, bicarb, milk & coke. |
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Add the indicator to each. |
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If it stays purple, its neutral pH, red / orange is acidic |
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and green is base / alkali. |
Then while we had the milk & vinegar out, we added vinegar to a glass of milk to make curds and whey..
Ah, kitchen science - so much fun!
Billy's week 20th March, 2011
I wasn't home much last week, so he may have done more than this.
Fractions review using the DK 'Learn your Fractions and Decimals' Kit
Electricity fun with Electric Box - he even created his own level.
Star Reporter (Club Penguin)
George's Cosmic Treasure Hunt by Lucy & Stephen Hawking
Newcastle Art Gallery (Creative Arts)
Collage (Creative Arts)
Help with dinner
Archery, AFL Training, Martial Arts
Drama (Creative Arts)
Canoeing with Cubs (PDHPE)
Backyard Science (Science)
Numbers Count, Cyberchase (Maths)
Being Me (PDHPE)
Music Moves (Creative Arts)
My Place (HSIE)
Karate Kid
Playing with:
Wii Fit & Sports (PDHPE)
Various websites like Club Penguin & Webkinz
Fractions review using the DK 'Learn your Fractions and Decimals' Kit
Electricity fun with Electric Box - he even created his own level.
Star Reporter (Club Penguin)
George's Cosmic Treasure Hunt by Lucy & Stephen Hawking
Newcastle Art Gallery (Creative Arts)
Collage (Creative Arts)
Help with dinner
Archery, AFL Training, Martial Arts
Drama (Creative Arts)
Canoeing with Cubs (PDHPE)
Backyard Science (Science)
Numbers Count, Cyberchase (Maths)
Being Me (PDHPE)
Music Moves (Creative Arts)
My Place (HSIE)
Karate Kid
Playing with:
Wii Fit & Sports (PDHPE)
Various websites like Club Penguin & Webkinz
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Routines and lists
It seems like the busier I get, the more I need my routines and lists to keep a balance and to help keep all the balls in the air. Feel free to skip this post unless you're like me and love reading about how people schedule their time :)
I set up a loose schedule before we went to the US, and so far its been working fairly well since we got back. Its helped me balance spending constructive learning time with Billy, work, activities, exercise and keep the household functioning.
Mornings I usually get up around 7am, and between then and 10am, I exercise (on the Wii Fit), check emails & whatever blogs I have time for, have breakfast, shower and do a quick tidy of the house - load & unload dishwasher and washing machine, put things away etc.
Monday, Wednesday & Thursday mornings after 10, Billy & I watch the school shows together (our ABC TV shows educational shows between 10 and 11am) - or at least the ones that interest him. Then we have some learning time until lunch - Monday is Maths, Wednesday is cooking, Thursday Science. Or that's how it sometimes works out :)
After lunch on those days, I spend 3hrs on paid work. Billy plays lego, uses the Wii or computer or somehow amuses himself. After that, its time to prepare dinner, get ready and go to 'after school' activities. We're out of the house 4 nights with classes / activities - and yes, he loves them all and doesn't want to drop any of them.
Tuesdays we're out most of the day - archery, time at the park with other homeschoolers and then we do any errands, grocery shopping etc.
Fridays I try to get to my exercise class in the morning - it doesn't always happen but at least its got a chance being scheduled in! Afternoons we have night classes.
I try to keep Sundays free to potter around the house and prepare for the next week. That will change in a few weeks once Billy starts having AFL games, so I might have to swap to Saturdays.
The other tool that's helping me (mostly) stay on top of things is the calendar and task functionality of Outlook. I love it now that I've worked out the best way to use it for me.
I have 3 calendars that I can overlay:
Tasks can be set up to be recurring so for eg it reminds me when I have to invoice clients or clean out the water filter.
I have to admit I still have a 'big picture' paper list of overall jobs that have to be done, but the task list helps me keep track of all the little bits and pieces.
Oh and the other thing that helps me keep me sane atm - my phone. I love the fact that I can now get internet access on my phone - I've saved time being able to catch up on blogs and reading email lists while I'm waiting for Billy at his activities! So I might not always be commenting, but I am reading.
I set up a loose schedule before we went to the US, and so far its been working fairly well since we got back. Its helped me balance spending constructive learning time with Billy, work, activities, exercise and keep the household functioning.
Mornings I usually get up around 7am, and between then and 10am, I exercise (on the Wii Fit), check emails & whatever blogs I have time for, have breakfast, shower and do a quick tidy of the house - load & unload dishwasher and washing machine, put things away etc.
Monday, Wednesday & Thursday mornings after 10, Billy & I watch the school shows together (our ABC TV shows educational shows between 10 and 11am) - or at least the ones that interest him. Then we have some learning time until lunch - Monday is Maths, Wednesday is cooking, Thursday Science. Or that's how it sometimes works out :)
After lunch on those days, I spend 3hrs on paid work. Billy plays lego, uses the Wii or computer or somehow amuses himself. After that, its time to prepare dinner, get ready and go to 'after school' activities. We're out of the house 4 nights with classes / activities - and yes, he loves them all and doesn't want to drop any of them.
Tuesdays we're out most of the day - archery, time at the park with other homeschoolers and then we do any errands, grocery shopping etc.
Fridays I try to get to my exercise class in the morning - it doesn't always happen but at least its got a chance being scheduled in! Afternoons we have night classes.
I try to keep Sundays free to potter around the house and prepare for the next week. That will change in a few weeks once Billy starts having AFL games, so I might have to swap to Saturdays.
The other tool that's helping me (mostly) stay on top of things is the calendar and task functionality of Outlook. I love it now that I've worked out the best way to use it for me.
I have 3 calendars that I can overlay:
- my calendar that shows activities & meetings etc - basically when I'm out of the house. That's shared out so Pete can see it as well.
- Pete's shared calendar so I can see when he's out of the house (yes, we're nerds).
- My 'task' calendar where I can schedule in stuff I need to work on at home - either paid, school work or household.
Tasks can be set up to be recurring so for eg it reminds me when I have to invoice clients or clean out the water filter.
I have to admit I still have a 'big picture' paper list of overall jobs that have to be done, but the task list helps me keep track of all the little bits and pieces.
Oh and the other thing that helps me keep me sane atm - my phone. I love the fact that I can now get internet access on my phone - I've saved time being able to catch up on blogs and reading email lists while I'm waiting for Billy at his activities! So I might not always be commenting, but I am reading.
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
I've had lots of blog posts running around in my head lately, but I haven't had a chance to post. So instead of whining about how busy I am, let me just say how grateful I am for my life.
In the wake of so many tragedies both world-wide and being suffered by people I know, it makes me so thankful for my health and my friends and family. Thankful for the fact that I can work from home and have such a wonderful lifestyle with homeschooling.
And thankful for my phone that let's me write a blog post while waiting for an appointment! :)
In the wake of so many tragedies both world-wide and being suffered by people I know, it makes me so thankful for my health and my friends and family. Thankful for the fact that I can work from home and have such a wonderful lifestyle with homeschooling.
And thankful for my phone that let's me write a blog post while waiting for an appointment! :)
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Sunday, March 13, 2011
Billy's week 13th March, 2011
A busy week filled with lots of variety..
On-line learning:
Earnt a Mathletics certificate (Maths)
Pencil of Doom by Andy Griffiths (English)
Maitland Art Gallery (Creative Arts)
Circuits (Science & Technology)
A computer game using RPG Maker (Science & Technology)
Celtic knot art with gold-leaf (Creative Arts)
Being presented with:
IT Badge & Bronze Boomerang at Cubs
Clean Up Australia Day participation certificate
50 visits badge & white tip at Martial Arts
A "puffle" cake
Help with dinner
Archery, AFL Training, Martial Arts (twice)
Drama (Creative Arts)
Water safety activities & knots at Cubs (PDHPE)
Backyard Science (Science)
Numbers Count, Cyberchase (Maths)
Being Me (PDHPE)
Music Moves (Creative Arts)
My Place (HSIE)
Escape from Alcatraz (HSIE)
Playing with:
Wii Fit & Sports (PDHPE)
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Monday, March 07, 2011
Mii oh my!
I finally made up my mind last week and bought a Wii Fit Plus. The boys set it up over the weekend and I had a chance to play with it on Sunday night.
I was expecting it to tell me I was overweight, but I wasn't expecting it to tell me my Wii age is 56!!! How rude :)
Its quite fun. I was thinking I'd just do the yoga parts of it - I really didn't expect to be 'cycling' or 'skateboarding' or 'hula-hooping' but hey, they're actually fun! And I am so not a computer game player.
Billy has barely been off the thing since we bought it, so that's a good thing. He's getting plenty of exercise!!
I was expecting it to tell me I was overweight, but I wasn't expecting it to tell me my Wii age is 56!!! How rude :)
Its quite fun. I was thinking I'd just do the yoga parts of it - I really didn't expect to be 'cycling' or 'skateboarding' or 'hula-hooping' but hey, they're actually fun! And I am so not a computer game player.
Billy has barely been off the thing since we bought it, so that's a good thing. He's getting plenty of exercise!!
This week
This week has been spent in a variety of ways..
On-line learning:
Earnt a Mathletics certificate (Maths)
Spent time on the trial of Skwirk (cross-curriculum)
Pencil of Doom by Andy Griffiths (English)
Escape from Alcatraz - The Dummy Head Breakout
Scientriffic magazine
Working on:
Badges for cubs - science, collectors, and IT level 2 (Science & Technology, HSIE)
Plaster casts of leaves (Science)
Anzac biscuits, helped with meal prep (Life skills)
Making sherbet
Participating in:
District cub scout swimming night, archery (PDHPE)
Drama class (Creative arts)
Clean Up Australia Day (HSIE)
Numbers Count, Cyberchase (Maths)
Behind the News (HSIE)
Scope, Backyard science, Science Clips (Science)
Hawking (BBC movie) (Science)
Playing with:
Lots of Lego play
Wii Fit & Sports (PDHPE)
Sunday, March 06, 2011
Back to earth....
I just spent the weekend in a cute little apartment on the water in Kirribilli (North Sydney), waking up to a gorgeous view and having wonderful adult conversations...
Believe me, its hard to come back to earth!
I was invited down to sit in on a committee meeting with a group I'm involved with. It was an all-day meeting - long but fruitful, and exciting to be part of.
I know I should be grateful for the break and ready to embrace motherhood with open arms - instead each barrage of "Mummy, mummy, mummy" just makes me want to run screaming back to the apartment..
Oh well, it was nice while it lasted!!
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