I did lots of this:

and this (I taught myself to knit using a kid's learn to knit book, and made myself a dishcloth & a puppet for Billy):

Billy did lots of:

and a bit of this:

He had a fantastic time playing with lots of kids from the caravan park - he was old enough that I could let him roam a fair bit (under strict rules lol and not near the water).
Pete did lots of this:

(I didn't have a picture of him drinking beer or playing on his computer - I'll leave that up to your imagination!)
A few other highlights were - watching the dolphins swim up the river a few mornings right outside our van:

* we ventured out to the Pet Porpoise Pool at Coffs Harbour for a great morning out.

Now there is a pile of stuff in the hallway to be unpacked, the garden has been severely neglected and I need to start thinking about work - but it was good while it lasted!!
Oh Kez, your holiday sounds awesome - you have some great pics there ! xx Linda
Looks like a great vacation. Different from you last one :-). We've just bought ourselves a tent (after not having one for the last 10 years) as dh wants to go camping again - now that he's realized the kids just take off and we never see them all day :-). Plus with both of having lost weight we've got more energy for playing and having fun on the beach.
Oh I wish. Although, actually, no, I'm probably too wound up to actually enjoy a holiday like that at the moment.
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