Up about 6:20 (chilly with another light frost), made Pete's lunch and saw him off to work.
Checked emails & blogs.
Cooked Billy & I some breakfast (bacon, scrambled eggs & toast). Out in the kitchen we were being serenaded by both magpies & kookaburras!
Showered then usual morning routine of making beds, turning off lights, opening curtains, airing rooms etc.
Got snacks & drinks ready for swimming.
Went through some maths problems with Billy - we bought a whiteboard recently and he thinks it's so much fun to do problems on the board (weirdo!!)
Answered a couple of work emails.
Off to Billy's swimming lesson. I sat & chatted to one of the other mums while he had his lesson and then had some free play with the other kids.
Stopped to buy some tomatoes at a roadside stall on the way home.
Boiled some eggs up for lunch. While they were cooking I mixed some bread up in the Kitchen Aid, put it on the windowsill to rise and did the breakfast dishes.
Time Saving Tip - I prefer to make my own bread but sometimes the thought of measuring everything out and putting it together is too overwhelming (awww, poor diddums lol), so I reach for the 'cardboard bread'. Yesterday I got 5 big ziplock bags, measured the dry ingredients (flour, powdered milk, salt, sugar, yeast) for a loaf into each bag and stored them in the fridge. Today I just had to dump the bag of ingredients into the bowl, add oil & water and mix. Much easier!! (even if it is all in my mind!)
Had lunch - I sat in the sun & read a book for a while.
Checked emails & blogs. Printed out some Australian currency "play money" for Billy to learn with.

Cooked the bread, and mixed up a lemon cake while that was in the oven (the recipe was from an old CWA Esk Valley cookbook) - Pete got given some lemons at work the other day. While that was cooling, we went outside and watered the garden, then I did some weeding - I've saved one more hedge bush from the kikuyu that is threatening to engulf it!

We have berries on a few of our strawberry plants!

Fruit trees waiting to be planted
Came inside and had some very yummy lemon cake for a late afternoon tea. Pete came home from work in time to share it (must've smelt it!). Answered a couple of work emails.
Cooked tea (pork chops, mashed potato, carrots & peas). While that was cooking I washed the dishes that had accumulated since lunch (I swear they grow!)
Ate tea, with lemon cake for dessert (there is now only 1 tiny piece left!!)
Did some paid work searching for stock photos for a website.
Billy's bedtime routine - lots of stories & cuddles.
More paid work until about 10 when I've updated this post and now am about to head for bed.
For more "Day in my Life" stories check out Jenny's blog.
I really enjoy these day in the life posts but I never remember to write one! the lemon cake looks great.
Sounds like a great day Kerrie. Would you care to share your bread recipe? The only one I've deemed a success (ie. Christy will eat it) so far using an organic bread mix.
The lemon cake looks yummy too....actually I have some lemons if you'd like to share that recipe too.
I can relate, about the mixing. I assume it goes away after awhile. I have had some luck with the 5 cup cake.
I have the cookbook you mentioned, I am curious now.
Your tea sounded lovely, and that is great having some trees to plant.
Hi Libby,
The bread recipe I'm using atm is one from Rhonda Jean's blog - http://down---to---earth.blogspot.com/2007/06/bread-making-for-beginners.html.
I'll post the lemon cake recipe now.
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