We were running late with bedtime and I told Billy to go and get into bed. When I went in to tuck him in, he was *under* the bed.
"Billy, I told you to get *into* bed, not under it.. "
"But I was in bed - I was in the basement!"
I couldn't help but crack up :)
He's a clever boy, that one! ;)
Nice job with the sewing, Kez! I really like the organizer! Straight(ish) lines are all I can manage too. :) You did a great job.
Say, I wanted to invite you to join in a read-along over at my blog if you have the time and/or interest. I think it would be fun. No pressure, though; I know we're all busy. So, just take a look if you like!
Gorgeous picture. Outrageous cheekbones!!! Lisa x
Hi Kez, such a beautiful photo of you both - love the sewing too :-)
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