Kia Ora! Happy Waitangi Day!
According to Wikipedia, Waitangi Day "is the national day of New Zealand. It is a public holiday held each year on February 6 to celebrate the signing of the Treaty of Waitangi, New Zealand's founding document, on that date in 1840". I imagine it's similar to our Australia Day.
So today we learnt a bit about Waitangi Day and made a Maori doll in "traditional" clothes. Billy knows where New Zealand is and can show you on the map as we have friends that live in Auckland. He also has a friend who is part Maori so we've discussed the Maori race before - in his words "they're the aborigines that live in New Zealand".
We went on a nature walk around the neighbourhood first to find feathers to use for the cape, and gathered up some hay (from the mulch) to use for the skirt (both stuck on fabric to make life easier for us!). A cardboard tube provided the body, ice-cream sticks for the arms and black fabric for the hair. I think he looks more American Indian than Maori, but anyway :)
Hi Kerrie,
Sounds like you are really getting into the home schooling. How are you enjoying it so far?
He's darling and I love the warm quality of your photo!
KEZ! I thought you weren't blogging much and I haven't been by in a while. So here I look and it seems you've been blogging almost every day! So, now I have some catching up to do. I'm hoping to do some of that tonight - I haven't been able to sit and read many blogs lately, but I hope to get some reading in tonight... or maybe tomorrow now that I think of it. *sigh* So much to do and so little time...
Thanks Libby - I am actually enjoying it a lot! (And learning heaps myself lol)
Mrs P - good to see you reading :)
So cute, Kez. :)
Lovely to see a bit of NZ on your blog, we did Australia last year and that was fun, so cute!!!
Nicky in New Zealand
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