A deliberately slower week this week!
Current Readaloud: The Adventurous Four by Enid Blyton
Audio books: Robot Riot by Andy Griffiths; Two weeks with the Queen by Morris Gleitzmann
Independent Reading: The Mystery of Banshee Towers by Enid Blyton
English: This hangman (hang mouse!) game that I found on someone's blog - but now I can't remember who, sorry!
Maths: I threw a packet of M&Ms into the trolley while we were shopping the other day - Eagle Eyes noticed and wanted to know what they were for. "To do some maths with" was my reply... I wouldn't tell him what we were doing though, and the suspense was killing him! "Can we do it straight after lunch today???!" lol, love it!
So we did! We made an Eratosthenes' Sieve to find prime numbers up to 120. First we put an M&M on all the multiples of 2, then 3, 5, and 7. He was able to see the patterns in some of the numbers and we both learnt a trick of finding whether or not a number can be divided by 3 (if its digits add up to a multiple of 3). And yes, then we got to eat the M&Ms! (not all of them at once though!)

He also watched a couple of episodes of Cyberchase online - one of the episodes was showing how to draw a circle with a pencil & a piece of string, so I pulled out the compass and let him experiment to his heart's content.
Science & Technology: The slime kit got another workout this week.
Independent Reading: The Mystery of Banshee Towers by Enid Blyton
English: This hangman (hang mouse!) game that I found on someone's blog - but now I can't remember who, sorry!
Maths: I threw a packet of M&Ms into the trolley while we were shopping the other day - Eagle Eyes noticed and wanted to know what they were for. "To do some maths with" was my reply... I wouldn't tell him what we were doing though, and the suspense was killing him! "Can we do it straight after lunch today???!" lol, love it!
So we did! We made an Eratosthenes' Sieve to find prime numbers up to 120. First we put an M&M on all the multiples of 2, then 3, 5, and 7. He was able to see the patterns in some of the numbers and we both learnt a trick of finding whether or not a number can be divided by 3 (if its digits add up to a multiple of 3). And yes, then we got to eat the M&Ms! (not all of them at once though!)

He also watched a couple of episodes of Cyberchase online - one of the episodes was showing how to draw a circle with a pencil & a piece of string, so I pulled out the compass and let him experiment to his heart's content.
Science & Technology: The slime kit got another workout this week.
HSIE (Human Society and it's environment): We went and did the month's Waterwatch testing again, and picked up rubbish along the river bank.
Hundreds of flying foxes (fruit bats) have taken up residence in a street in our town - we saw them at dusk a week or so ago, all out flying looking for a feed. It was quite spectacular! Our local paper had an article about them which identified where they were, so we took a drive to have a look. They were very noisy but kind of cute :)

Creative & Practical Arts: Drama class.
PDHPE (Personal Development, Health & Physical Education): Little Dragons martial arts class, exercising each morning with Pete, and the area's homeschool swimming carnival (attended by over 100 kids).

Life skills (cooking, gardening, housekeeping): General tidying plus he made 'rocky road' biscuits with marshmallows and M&Ms.
School shows: BTN, Our Earth (about fossils), Count Us In.
Other fun stuff: He attended the Regional Show with his grandparents & had a sleep over at their house for the night.