We had a lot of running around this week - I think we were in the car more than we were at home! So not much to report this week.
Current Readaloud: The Secrets of Droon - The mysterious Island
English: I downloaded some Shakespeare stories for Kids from the My Audio School website and he listened to some of those a couple of nights before bed. Thanks to Katie over at Katie's Homeschool Cottage for reminding me about that website!
We finished watching "Tin Man" - a futuristic version of "Wizard of Oz". It's amazing how many references to the book & movie Billy is now finding in other shows, books & art works!
Maths: We played the Fractions & Decimals board game.
I found out that Mars was quite bright in our skies this week so we went out before bed one night and had a look see! We convinced ourselves we saw it anyway! I also found that the Sydney Observatory site has a monthly sky chart that you can print out (for the Australian skies) so we'll be using that next month to find some constellations - hopefully!
HSIE (Human Society and it's environment): We made lamingtons for Australia Day.
Creative & Practical Arts: At the homeschoolers social day, Billy and a group of friends were making up little plays and acting them out together. It was cute to see :)
We also went to the Newcastle Art Gallery today for their free 'art cart' workshop. After a look around the gallery, they were told to make something on the theme of "monsters". Billy made the winged monkey and spider monsters from 'Tin Man'.
He's started practising "Happy Birthday" on the keyboard and made up his own tune.
PDHPE (Personal Development, Health & Physical Education): Little Dragons martial arts class (twice), fishing, swimming and running around / scootering at the playground.

Life skills (cooking, gardening, housekeeping): Just general contributing to the household.
School shows: Not on yet.
Other fun stuff: We went to see 'Alvin & the Chipmunks 2' today.