Thursday, September 20, 2007

Ups and downs..

Not a great start to the day - I totally lost it with Billy for answering back. He was pushing my buttons, but it didn't deserve the tantrum I threw :( I'm tired and have too much crap in my system from the stuff I've been eating - pick which excuse you like.. :)

Once I got home from dropping him at preschool I had to make a couple of phone calls I'd been putting off, but once I got those out of the way things improved. I got a fair bit done on the website I'm working on, then went and bought the rest of my sister's b'day present & a couple of "new" t-shirts for me at the op-shop.

Picked the child up from preschool, then drove down to Newcastle to pick up Pete from work and head out to dinner for my sister's b'day. So the day ended much better than it had started! I'm very tired but have had too much caffeine today - hopefully I'll still sleep!!

Happy birthday Janelle!


lightening said...

Just wanted to send you a (((HUG))). None of us are perfect parents. Hope you have a good sleep tonight. :-)

Unknown said...

Parenting is the hardest "job". My daughter pushes my buttons a lot these days ~ full of attitude, moody etc and it's difficult trying to discipline her.

Hope you slept well :)

Kris said...

How is it our kids know how to push our buttons far better than we know how to push theirs?

Grizabella said...

We all have our moment, i'm sure may kids(well my 3yr old) arnt satisfied sometimes til i'm yelling and carrying on like a idot.......