We made this recipe from The Commonsense Cookery Book (Book Two) to take over to Billy's new friend's house on Wednesday - they were all pratically inhaled by all of the kids (and the mums didn't mind them either!) so he bugged me to make some more today. He did the measuring out of the dry ingredients - a bit of a maths lesson in fractions along the way :)
We made the Cornflake variation.
Rice Bubble Nutties
1 cup rice bubbles
1 cup rolled oats
1/4 cup flour
1/2 cup coconut
1/8 teaspoon salt
1/2 cup sugar
1/2 cup melted butter
1 tablespoon honey
1/2 teaspoon bicarb of soda
2 tablespoons boiling water
Mix rice bubbles, rolled oats, flour, coconut, salt & sugar together. Add melted butter, honey & bicarb dissolved in 2 tablespoons of boiling water. Drop with a spoon on a greased tray, leaving space between each to spread. Bake in a slow oven and leave on tray till cold.
Note: Cornflake Nutties can be made the same way, substituting conrnflakes for rice bubbles.
* My note - our oven has a mind of it's own, but I cooked them for about 10 mins on 180 deg C.
Oh yum!! They sound and look delicious. DD8 wanted to make something to take to her singing/drama group this morning. Might suggest she try those (not that I can try one at the moment :-( )
They look great, and I'm pretty sure we have that recipe book somewhere. We might even have some corn flakes in the cupboard - yum!
I read the heading, looked at the picture and thought "aren't they cornflakes, not rice bubbles?" LOL. They do look and sound very yummy. I will have to try them myself sometime....just have to choose whether to make rice bubble variety or cornflake variety. :-)
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