We had 16 kids ranging in age from 4 to 15. 12 were homeschoolers, with a couple of 'ring-ins' brought along to swell the numbers on filming day. The kids have been involved (at various levels) with designing & creating the costumes & props over the last 4 weeks. It's been a great learning experience of both American history and also how movies are made, not to mention the kids getting the opportunity to work as a team.
I can't wait to see the final result - luckily it's supposed to look like a group of kids putting on a backyard play rather than a professional production :)
Looks like fun!
Thanks for your birthday wishes on my blog.
What a wonderful experience for those children. I hope you got lots of photos.
You're welcome Suse :)
lol Kate - between us all we have soooo many photos. I get the job of putting them all on one DVD and hopefully making a powerpoint show out of the best of them.
The costumes look great. What afun and memorable experience.
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