Current Readaloud: George's Cosmic Treasure Hunt by Lucy & Stephen Hawking.
Audio books: "Beware The Gingerbread House" by Emily Rodda.
Independent Reading: Boyz Rule: Basketball Buddies, Simpsons' Comic Collection.
Other: He played several games of Scrabble online as well as a 'proper' (ie non-online) game with me.
Maths: He solved some riddles that I put on the white board in Morse Code, and a magic square puzzle.
Science & Technology: We watched an episode of Bill Nye The Science guy about light. He informed me that he prefers Robert Krampf's (The Happy Scientist) videos.. We also watched one of Krampf's about inertia.
HSIE (Human Society and it's environment): He started listening to the Horrible Histories "Terrible Tudors" audio book. We also watched James May's 20th Century about how the "world has shrunk" through the use of the plane, car & television.
Other: He played several games of Scrabble online as well as a 'proper' (ie non-online) game with me.
Maths: He solved some riddles that I put on the white board in Morse Code, and a magic square puzzle.
Science & Technology: We watched an episode of Bill Nye The Science guy about light. He informed me that he prefers Robert Krampf's (The Happy Scientist) videos.. We also watched one of Krampf's about inertia.
HSIE (Human Society and it's environment): He started listening to the Horrible Histories "Terrible Tudors" audio book. We also watched James May's 20th Century about how the "world has shrunk" through the use of the plane, car & television.
Creative & Practical Arts: Drama class.
Chocolate making at the homeschool FBI get-together.
We attempted egg-blowing (ewww - never again!) and then dyed the eggs with food colouring & a splash of vinegar.

He drew patterns on some of the eggs with a candle to stop the dye absorbing in those places. So while the candle was out, he also did some wax-resist painting.

PDHPE (Personal Development, Health & Physical Education): Martial arts. He showed off his circus skills at the FBI homeschool meeting.
Life skills (cooking, gardening, housekeeping): He's getting more comfortable handling our cat; he came along with me to the vet while the cat got his needles and spent the waiting time reading the posters about animal care in the waiting room!
We made another couple of batches of Hot Cross buns together.
He helped Pete build a couple of flat-pack bookcases and has been helping declutter our spare room.
School shows: Behind The News Extra.
Other fun stuff: Lots of Club Penguin, Webkinz and other websites.
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