We had a really busy week this week with lots of fun activities.
Current Readaloud: Goosebumps: Say Cheese and Die!
Audio books: Give Peas a Chance by Morris Gleitzman
Independent Reading: -
Other: -
Maths: Number Rings game plus heaps of time spent on Timez Attack.
Science & Technology: He used Publisher to create a brochure for Scout Job Week to hand out to the neighbours.
HSIE (Human Society and it's environment): We watched James May's 20th Century about instruments of war (tanks, aircraft, camouflage techniques etc).
He marched in the Anzac Day march with the Cubs.
On Friday, we went on a homeschool excursion to a local macadamia nut farm. They gave the kids buckets and let them loose under the trees to harvest any that were left on the ground. They made it a contest and awarded a prize to the group that collected the most - so you can imagine how enthusiastic they were!
After about 30 mins of collecting, they showed the kids the factory and explained the sorting process. Then we made a beeline for the cafe and enjoyed macadamia ice-cream! It was a really lovely day.

Creative & Practical Arts: Drama started back this week.
Other: -
Maths: Number Rings game plus heaps of time spent on Timez Attack.
Science & Technology: He used Publisher to create a brochure for Scout Job Week to hand out to the neighbours.
HSIE (Human Society and it's environment): We watched James May's 20th Century about instruments of war (tanks, aircraft, camouflage techniques etc).
He marched in the Anzac Day march with the Cubs.
On Friday, we went on a homeschool excursion to a local macadamia nut farm. They gave the kids buckets and let them loose under the trees to harvest any that were left on the ground. They made it a contest and awarded a prize to the group that collected the most - so you can imagine how enthusiastic they were!
After about 30 mins of collecting, they showed the kids the factory and explained the sorting process. Then we made a beeline for the cafe and enjoyed macadamia ice-cream! It was a really lovely day.

Creative & Practical Arts: Drama started back this week.
PDHPE (Personal Development, Health & Physical Education): He started Archery this week and really enjoyed it. He's come along in leaps & bounds in just one week. Also Martial Arts was on.
Life skills (cooking, gardening, housekeeping): We made Anzac biscuits together.
School shows: -
Other fun stuff: They did some basic first aid at Cubs.
Another fun week. LOVE macadamia ice-cream. We visited a farm on the way back from Nelson Bay a few years back - wonder if it was the same one.
Yep, that'd be the same one Libby - its at Medowie.
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