A busy week despite it being "school holidays" and not having normal activities on. I'm a bit light on photos though due to my poor camera being rather difficult to use atm!
Current Readaloud: George's Cosmic Treasure Hunt by Lucy & Stephen Hawking.
Audio books: Jack Russell: Pet Detective by Darrel & Sally Odgers; Artemis Fowl by Eoin Colfer
Independent Reading: Boyz Rule: Race Car Dreamers; Boyz Rule: On the Farm
Other: Playing scrabble and learning about spoonerisms.. (eg a lazy dog = a dazy log)
Maths: Whiteboard puzzles, watching an episode of cyberchase and playing the Cyberchase Quest on the computer.
Science & Technology: He went to a Science day with the CSIRO for kids aged 7-12. They made an environmental flycatcher, carried out food testing experiments with iodine etc, and made (and ate!) dry ice slushees!
HSIE (Human Society and it's environment): We watched James May's 20th Century about body parts, artificial limbs etc.
We attended Steamfest - a celebration of steam engines. We looked at steam trains, steam farm machinery, steam engines of various types. He had a ride on a miniature steam train!

Creative & Practical Arts: We went to see a play at the Civic Playhouse called Grubble - about a mischievous goblin in an Enchanted Forest. It was very cute and well done.
Other: Playing scrabble and learning about spoonerisms.. (eg a lazy dog = a dazy log)
Maths: Whiteboard puzzles, watching an episode of cyberchase and playing the Cyberchase Quest on the computer.
Science & Technology: He went to a Science day with the CSIRO for kids aged 7-12. They made an environmental flycatcher, carried out food testing experiments with iodine etc, and made (and ate!) dry ice slushees!
HSIE (Human Society and it's environment): We watched James May's 20th Century about body parts, artificial limbs etc.
We attended Steamfest - a celebration of steam engines. We looked at steam trains, steam farm machinery, steam engines of various types. He had a ride on a miniature steam train!

Creative & Practical Arts: We went to see a play at the Civic Playhouse called Grubble - about a mischievous goblin in an Enchanted Forest. It was very cute and well done.
While in Newcastle we also checked out 2 of the art galleries - one of which is currently exhibiting drawings by my very talented cousin!
PDHPE (Personal Development, Health & Physical Education): He (and the rest of his class) were awarded with a white tip for their belt at martial arts - a step towards his next level belt. He was very excited!
Also Auskick (Jnr AFL) training started back with lots of basic skills practice.

Life skills (cooking, gardening, housekeeping): We weren't really home enough to do much!
School shows: -
Other fun stuff: His triplet cousins had their 4th b'day party!
What a busy week! Speaking of spoonerisms, do you know the story of Rindercella? Who slopped her dripper? (Cinderella who dropped her slipper). Google "Rindercella Goonerisms Spalore" for one version of the story.
Hi Kez,
You folks have been busy doing a lot of learning, that too in a fun way! You have a great blog here!!!
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