It's been a busy week again this week with lots of new experiences!
Current Readaloud: Jack Stalwart: The Search for Sunken Treasure (Australia) by Elizabeth Singer Hunt.
Audio books: "Does my head look big in this?" by Randa Abdel-Fattah; "Cry of the Cat" and "The Gingerbread House" by Emily Rodda.
Independent Reading: Boyz Rule: Skateboard Dudes and Boyz Rule: Battle of the Games.
Other: He created a poster advertising his AFL tipping competition (writing for a variety of purposes). He's been playing several games of Scrabble online.
Maths: He spent time using Timez Attack, we watched an episode of Cyberchase (about enlarging using grids) and using an idea I found at Risa's blog, I gave him a couple of problems on the whiteboard from the Problems of the Day sheet. He particularly liked the code and made up one for me to solve too. (Thanks Risa!)

Science & Technology: He used Microsoft Publisher to make his AFL tipping poster. We learnt a bit about Thomas Edison (sparked by an episode of The Simpsons), looked at some of his inventions in the "How Nearly Everything was Invented" book and he set out to make some of his own inventions. Most didn't make it past the conceptual stage :)
We watched 3 videos on The Happy Scientist website - how mirages work, floating bubbles on a layer of CO2 and how to make butter from milk.
HSIE (Human Society and it's environment): He got some quiz cards handed down from his cousin, and spent some time with her doing some Arts, Sports & Leisure questions.
Creative & Practical Arts: He made up a play with his cousin and they performed it for the family.
PDHPE (Personal Development, Health & Physical Education): Rockclimbing at a local PCYC organised by one of the homeschool mums.

"Feral Archery" - indoor archery - with the Joey Scouts.

Practising his diabolo circus tricks.
Life skills (cooking, gardening, housekeeping): He's learning how to care for our new cat.
We made Hot Cross Buns. The recipe was very yummy (esp the one Billy added choc chips too), the texture was good - but it was more like a fruit bun than a hot cross bun. The search for the perfect recipe continues...

School shows: Behind The News Extra.
Other fun stuff: They learnt the reef knot at cubs - I must get him a bit of rope to practice with now!
1 comment:
Glad he enjoyed the maths problems. Love the rock-climbing you are doing--I need to look into that for next year as it would be a super indoor activity for our long cold winters!
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