Saturday, March 20, 2010

I wish I could think of an inspiring title..

I've felt really out of step this week.

Last weekend Pete & I went down to Sydney for the night to see Bell Shakespeare's King Lear. It was very well done btw, John Bell as usual was outstanding but I felt some of the other actors were a bit weak for the roles. We quite enjoyed it. It was a late night though - well late for me anyway :) The play didn't finish until after 11pm so it was about 11:30 when we got back to our motel room.

By the time we picked up Billy on Sunday, did some shopping and got home, it was time to launch into a new week. Which has been fairly busy. I haven't slept very well this week for various reasons so I've been dragging through the days - lets just say there are a few things undone that should have been done by now :)

I didn't get to the gym this week at all. I didn't feel up to going to my BodyBalance class on Tuesday and I was watching the cubs canoeing rather than go to the gym on Thursday! I did go for a walk instead on Tuesday and I think I might go for one this afternoon once it cools down. I bought myself a new MP3 player ($30 at Dick Smith!) last weekend which is much easier to walk with than playing music on my phone. It clips on rather than having to go in a pocket.

I tried to fit too much into yesterday. An eye appointment for Pete, a homeschool get-together for us, the library and the Da Vinci Machines exhibition for us all. We picked up frozen pizza for tea on the way home and collapsed for the night :)

I'm trying to do a brain dump on stuff I need to do but the brain isn't co-operating. I know I have to get some paid work done by Monday so I can install it at the clients. I have emails to answer, forms to fill out, bills to pay, stuff to put away. It would help if my brain wasn't so fuzzy that thoughts appear and then disappear straight away. Or if I didn't keep getting interrupted - like I just did - Billy just lost another tooth!

Right, off to see if I can kick-start the brain!


katepickle said...

Some weeks just seem so crazy that you don't even get a chance to sit and figure out why.... hope your brain co-operates soon and that next week is a bit more settled

Anonymous said...

I think we've all had weeks like that. It certainly helps to brain dump it all, then you can start fresh next week. :-)

karisma said...

LOL Sounds like a normal week to me! I rarely sleep so am used to that feeling. Are you a list person? I used to be and was far more organised when I had a list and crossed off each task as it was done. I keep thinking I should do it again but then never get around to it. This weekend has been busier than most so I am having trouble fitting it all in! Im only sitting down now for a 5 minute rest. Still loads left to do!

Kez said...

Karisma - yes, I'm a list person and that's what my brain needed - to sit down and write down a list. It cleared my brain and I've already crossed off half a dozen little things!

Thanks for the comments Kate & Alicia - here's to next week :)

Butterfly said...

I can totally relate!! It feels like you need a month off??!! Yeah, I know how it is.

My brain feels like a bowl of jelly, half set. I never seem to get a moment to finish thinking any particular thought.

I'm 3 weeks behind on blogging ... too much has happened every day to write anything but a jumble. I'll probably settle for list form again to restrain myself from writing an essay, and to make it seem do-able.

:) Vanessa

Kez said...

Vanessa - you've taken on quite a bit with the FBI classes, so cut yourself some slack :) Forget about blogging the last few weeks, and just start from next week (or when you catch up). Remember we only need to officially be 'at school' for 40 weeks, so if you don't record a week, its not a big deal!

An Almost Unschooling Mom said...

Good luck on clearing your brain! I keep a piece of paper stuck to the fridge, where I jot down must-do's as they occur to me.