Quite a mixed bag this week - very busy and lots of fun.
Current Readaloud: Finally finished The Adventurous Four by Enid Blyton
Audio books: "Does my head look big in this?" by Randa Abdel-Fattah
Independent Reading: Jack Stalwart: Peril at the Grand Prix (Italy) by Elizabeth Singer Hunt.
Other: We watched "Prince Caspian", the 2nd in the Narnia movies.
Maths: He took part in a play about goblins (teaching multiplication by 2s, 5s and 10s) at the FBI homeschool group.

He spent some time playing Timez Attack.
Science & Technology: Participated in an experiment involving chromotography at the FBI group.

Made a lava lamp using oil, salt & food colouring.

We went along to a Da Vinci Machines exhibition - it was very good with quite a few hands-on exhibitis. They had a working Archimedes screw to move water from a bottom trough to a top one, a bridge challenge that you could pull apart and put back together - that one took us a while - I was glad hubby was there lol. There were templates to make a little Da Vinci parachute out of paper and string - all the stuff was there to do it on the spot. A mirrored room that you could go into, a pulley system to demonstrate that pulleys make lifting easier and heaps of cogs & gears of various types to turn.
HSIE (Human Society and it's environment): We caught the train home from the Da Vinci exhibit, had lots of discussions about the role of the conductor etc and he practiced reading the train timetable.
Independent Reading: Jack Stalwart: Peril at the Grand Prix (Italy) by Elizabeth Singer Hunt.
Other: We watched "Prince Caspian", the 2nd in the Narnia movies.
Maths: He took part in a play about goblins (teaching multiplication by 2s, 5s and 10s) at the FBI homeschool group.

He spent some time playing Timez Attack.
Science & Technology: Participated in an experiment involving chromotography at the FBI group.

Made a lava lamp using oil, salt & food colouring.

We went along to a Da Vinci Machines exhibition - it was very good with quite a few hands-on exhibitis. They had a working Archimedes screw to move water from a bottom trough to a top one, a bridge challenge that you could pull apart and put back together - that one took us a while - I was glad hubby was there lol. There were templates to make a little Da Vinci parachute out of paper and string - all the stuff was there to do it on the spot. A mirrored room that you could go into, a pulley system to demonstrate that pulleys make lifting easier and heaps of cogs & gears of various types to turn.

The audio book he's listening to at the moment is about a Muslim girl who decides to wear the hijab (head scarf). It's given him an awareness of Muslim culture.
Creative & Practical Arts: Drama class. Making a goblin mask & acting in the goblin play.

PDHPE (Personal Development, Health & Physical Education): Martial Arts. Canoeing with the cubs group at a local dam - it was a good introduction to it as it was quite shallow. Very muddy though :)

Life skills (cooking, gardening, housekeeping): He's starting to get some good habits of keeping his room tidy.
School shows: Music Moves, Behind The News.
Other fun stuff: A picnic with the secular homeschoolers group (for a brief time anyway!)
OOh that Davinci exhibit looks & sounds like great fun!
what a busy week-
How did you go with "Does my head look big in this?" by Randa Abdel-Fattah, I found it a bit grown up for mine?
I so want to go to the Da Vinci exhibition
Do tell--HOW did you help him learn to keep his room tidy? And does it work on hubbies too? :-)
Louise - Billy is really enjoying the Does my head look big in this? audio books. I think it's aimed more at teenagers (the main character is a Yr 11 girl) - and if I'd pre-screened it before he got it out of the library, I probably wouldn't have let him get it out. Slack mum didn't though, so it was only after he'd started listening to it that I realised that. Having said that, I've listened to some of it with him and flicked through the book, and though the content is obviously aimed higher - crushes on boys, teenage problem with parents, the odd bit of swearing etc - I haven't found anything objectionable - certainly nothing worse than watching The Simpsons lol.
Risa - now hubby's working from home, he's doing a "room inspection" with him every morning. (Not quite standing at the end of his bed with hospital corners and saluting though!)
Billy actually *willingly* threw stuff (old papers etc) out the other day - we never thought we'd see that! We joke that he'll end up one of those old men who live in a house full of clutter because he can't part with anything!
And no, it doesn't seem to work on hubbies :)
Stuff On my Blog - it was good. Expensive ($50) for the family, but quite a good collection of the variety of his inventions. B's been talking about some of it since, so some knowledge stuck - yay! Hands-on is really the way to go for Master B.
Wow! Another great week. I really need to knuckle down over here, we are getting lazier and lazier. LOL Too much to do, too little time. I really need to remember how to focus. Getting my laptop back is NOT helping. hehe!
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