Sunday, November 29, 2009

Food Inc - must see documentary..

Earlier in the week, Molly from the Cross Roads blog posted about a movie called Food Inc -

It's about where our food really comes from, and let me tell you, it's eye-opening. While American-based, I'm sure a lot of the same practices would go on in Australia. It's based a lot on a book called Fast Food Nation by Eric Schlosser that I read a few years ago and made me more aware, but this movie made more of an impact on me. I'm not sure if it was the visual aspect of it, or the fact that I'm in a different place in my mind & life this time around.

The first thing I'm going to change is to stop buying my meat from the stupidmarket, and buy it direct from the farmer. I've found one website that delivers to the Hunter Valley - and the prices look quite reasonable. Can anyone recommend a company?

Go and watch the videos while you still can - 2 of the 10 parts have already been forced to be removed from YouTube. I'd love to know what you think.


Butterfly said...

Hmmmm ... what can I say?

I watched a few of the FoodInc. episodes. We already know some of this, but seeing it is always confronting. Makes me want to stop eating.
My kids are also talking about where their food comes from "This lamb came from a sheep, mummy. That sheep had to die." They've seen things on BTN, Landline etc. about animal cruelty in relation to eggs.

Being a conscious consumer is hard sometimes, but I know others have pursued it further ... no wonder people aim for self-sufficiency (I've read some books, but really need to paint my thumbs green).

Suji said...

Is it age appropriate Kerrie? As it is the kiddo is so picky about food at times. I'm caught between wanting to be informed and wanting to avoid exposure to what I can already guess I'm going to see. We actually live closer to farms now but the thought of changing our lifestyle even one small bit is getting harder and harder for me (sigh, I know I know, I sound like such a wimp!).

Kez said...

I wouldn't let Billy watch it and he's not very sensitive - it's not graphic really but quite disturbing. If he's a picky eater already, I certainly wouldn't let him watch it :)

karisma said...

I wouldn't let ME watch it either. I am sensitive and get too upset as it is. We don't eat a lot of meat around here (wouldn't at all if I had my way completely). One of my friends buys her meat direct from a farmer, I will ask her where she gets it.

Tania said...

Wow what a eye opener!

If it's okay with you I am going to share this on my blog and facebook to let as many people know what is really going on.

Scary stuff. Dont know what I am going to eat now!

Wendy said...

Another good resource is Peter Singer's "The Ethics of what we eat"

Kez said...

Outback - yes, please do. I got the resource from another blogger, so pass it on!

Karisma - thanks mate!

Wendy - thanks, will have a look in the library for it.

Kez said...

Butterfly - yes, I'm not quite ready to slaughter my own animals, I like my meat but I still do like to a bit removed from the process :)

jugglingpaynes said...

My youngest has been telling me for months now that she wanted to be a vegetarian some day.

I think I just found out when "some day" is. :o)

I've known some of these things. I admit it is a bit overwhelming to make a complete change in our eating habits (as well as expensive in our area). I guess my issue is that it isn't just the meat industry, but everything. Haven't finished watching it yet, is there any ideas at the end of the series about how to make smarter, friendlier choices without going bankrupt?

Peace and Laughter,

Kez said...

Cristina - it does have some ideas at the end but they're pretty "obvious" to anyone who has spent any time thinking about it. Eg grow your own veges, buy locally etc.