Saturday, November 13, 2010

Wind in the Willows

Billy's cast had their first performance of Wind in the Willows yesterday morning to a small audience of some local schools.  Despite being a really hot day, it went very well. 

I was rostered on to help supervise in the dressing room, but I managed to pop out a take a few photos.  We're actually going to watch the performance properly tonight and I'm rostered on to help out next Friday as well, so I should get some more shots along the way :)

4 performances to go..


Suji said...

Awesome idea for the outdoor set...and I spy B right there on the left :) Coincidentally, kiddo just read the book while listening to the audio CD. He would have loved to watch B in the play.

3anklebiters said...

the set is absolutely fabulous! i took extra time looking at the wonderful, warm photos as we got our first snow this morning.