I've had a bit of a shopping spree over the last couple of weeks - a couple of food thermos, and a coffee one, shoes for Billy, underwear for Pete. None of the expeditures were over the top but it still needs to be paid for. So I'm trying to eat out of my freezer this week.
Review of Last week's menu -
* The quesadillas were a hit, they'll be added to the menu plan again.
* The pork burgers using minced leftover cooked pork roast were very successful. You wouldn't know the pork had already been cooked once, and they were very light and tasty. I think this would work well with turkey as well.
* Apricot chicken was ok, but I probably should've only added half the tin of apricots - they were a bit overwhelming. Will give it another try anyway.
* Friday night's fish turned into bacon and eggs as we didn't get home until late and I hadn't thawed the fish out.
* Saturday night's pork chops turned into a roast chicken dinner so we'd have chicken for lunches.
To use up this week:
* pumpkin
* a couple of leftover sausages (lunches)
* leftover roast veges
* rest of roast chicken
Menu Plan this week:
Monday - Pork chops with bubble and squeak (leftover veges) - from LoveFoodHateWaste site
Tuesday - Nasi goreng (leftover roast chicken - minus the prawns) - from LoveFoodHateWaste site
Wednesday - Steak pie & pumpkin, spinach, carrots (cook steak & gravy in slow cooker + cook extra steak for lunches)
Thursday - Jamaican Chicken thighs & veges on BBQ & couscous
Friday - Homemade pizza
Saturday - Panfried fish, mashed potato & veges
Sunday - Something easy - Leftovers / Pasta & cheese / Eggs (Pete home late)
I did it! I should just need to buy fruit & vege and maybe eggs for the week.
For more menu plan ideas, see Organizing Junkie's Menu Plan Monday.

Eating from the garden:
* spinach
* basil
The pakchoy should be ready next week.
Seedlings underway (on the windowsill):
* Lettuce
* Cauliflower
* Silverbeet
* Parsley
* Broccoli
* Pakchoy
Planting this week:
* Garlic
* More peas / snow peas
Hi Kez! I love your 'what to use up' list and how you tie the garden into the menu plan post. Might have to steal your ideas if that's okay? ;)
Go for it Bel!
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